Whats Wrong with the Girls

Hi there, over the last few days I have noticed some problems with these girls. There are 2 white widow both feminized, one is the runt and one is just a freak and the other 4 are mixes of and satvia/ind, which were given to me.

This is my first grow indoors in a 4' x 4' x 6' tent with a 600 w hps, hand watering at this stage whenever the girls get dry, usually every 3-4 days. The medium is coco with perlite, about 2/3rds to 3/4s coco and the rest is perlite. The stage of growth for the white widow is about 30 days, the other are about 75 days, but they had problems. Thats another story.

Have been feeding them rhizo, zym, coco a & b, guano and keeping the ph to about 5.8. No tap water just filtered at this stage. I think there is a heat problem although the light is in a cooltube, 2 x 6" inline fans, and 3 other fans which keep the room cool. There is a carbon filter and the vents are open. The coolest i can keep the room is about 28 degrees celcius, not sure about that in f but somewhere near 89 i think.

I notice that there is some wilting now and ridging on some of the plants i think this is heat stress, i think there is also nute burn.

So this is where I need some help, its taken me ages to get all this stuff together and now i feel that i'm killing these poor girls, any help is greatly appreciated. If you need any other info please ask.




Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
It's hard to tell, but I think it's over watering and over feeding.

Your plants need to be pretty dry before they need to be watered.

Also, it looks like you could dial back the nutes a bit and your plants will thank you with a larger yield.
So over feeding or over watering, yes thats what I thought as well. I realised in hindsight that i was feeding too much after reading people in veg are giving their plants 400ppm, i was feeding up to 840ppm. Do any of you think the temps are too high? I know i have overfed, i don't know about over watering though, but if so what we would be a good time to do so, i usually wait until the plant feels light and then water. Could they be recovering from being under a 25000k cfl for about a month and then going under a 600w hps?

What can i do to remedy this? wait until they are really thirsty? flush the excess nutes? Last night i put some florakleen through and its meant to get rid of excess build up. Or do i just sit tight now and wait for them to recover?


An update:

this afternoon the girls are looking much better, after comparing the pics from last night, the florakleen worked and they are starting to recover, if i have any problems i will return to ask for advice.

thanks again