Whats wrong with my seedling leaves? Is this fungus?


Well-Known Member
My plants are about 15 days old now, and one of them is starting to get burnt leaf tips and and strange white residue on it. What is wrong (pic 1 and 2)?

FF OF soil

70night 80day

30% humidity (I got a humidifer and its at 65% now, I thought this may be my problem)

250w MH & 6200k CFLs



Well-Known Member
they look not bad,maybe a few thirps bites but hard to tell.put them against a dim light and see if you see anything move.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I see the white spots, same thing on my seedlings right now.

At first I thought it was just calcium/lime buildup cuz im watering with tap. But now the plants are starting to look a lil unhealthy. I think it might be powdery mildew on them, tomorrow im gonna go get some fungicide.


Well-Known Member
if u c tiny white spots or more correctly t-tiny little opaque bubbles its spider mites and u better get ure game face on cause they can b a beeoch


Well-Known Member
Yeah I see the white spots, same thing on my seedlings right now.

At first I thought it was just calcium/lime buildup cuz im watering with tap. But now the plants are starting to look a lil unhealthy. I think it might be powdery mildew on them, tomorrow im gonna go get some fungicide.
It looks exactly like a calcium/lime buildup, but now mine are burnt in the spots showing that. Neem oil didn't do anything


Well-Known Member
if u c tiny white spots or more correctly t-tiny little opaque bubbles its spider mites and u better get ure game face on cause they can b a beeoch
I dont think it's spider mites, I've never spoted any bugs on my leaves. I will keep a good eye out though


Active Member
do you mist your plants at all? I know that as the water evaps off the leafs it can leave residue behind, pluss the water droplets can magnify the light and possibly put little burn marks into your leafs. I found the same problem when i misted it anyways.
hope this helps :D