What's Wrong with My Poor Plant

This is my Afghan Kush x skunk#1 its 5 weeks old from seed it was grown in a small pot then transferred 1 week ago into bigger pots Ive used no nute's on it yet nor over watered it, the 125w cfl is aprox 10-12" above at all times, i dont understand why it's only affecting older middle leaves, the rest of her is fine :-? can any1 help me please? thank you xx


hi thanks for your time m8, it's just potting compost from garden center i have 3 others that are all doin' really well its only on 3 of the middle leaves, new growth at the to seems healthy though!


Well-Known Member
You could check the dirt ppm by putting like a 1/2 cup dirt with like 1/2 water mix it and check the ph and ppm. I don't know what else to say. I all ways start extras cuz you'll all ways have one or two with issues!
lol yeah i supose ur right the other 3 blueberry gum, moby dick and blue cheese are awsome there all my first grow so 1 pain in the arse isn't bad is it? any idea where you can buy litmus paper? im in the uk btw (incase u hadn't guessed lol)


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah put it in a bigger pot with another dirt and once the roots start growing in to the new dirt and the plant likes it! It should recover!!!
ok, well i have them in a large pot now and im a little tight for space but ill endovour to help it so ill just have to make space!!
what's the best thing i could add do u think?


RIU Bulldog
hi thanks, yeah i found that out after id planted them how can i now add another medium too it without hurting the plants?
Yeah the only way to fix it would be to translplant it into better soil. Expose the rootball as much as possible but don't spray it with water or anything crazy like that. Just break it up a little, taking off any excess that isn't held by the roots.
If your gonna grow in pots, AT LEAST use straight bagged potting soil. The best you can fin in your area. Go to a hydroponic store or a plant nursury, they have better soils than a Wal Mart or something.
If you must, Miracle Grow will do, but try and get good quality soil.

If you want to mix your own soil here are few simple recipes.
.5 compost
.5 soilless mix (like peat moss, perlite & vermiculite, coco coir, hydroton, lava rocks etc.)

.3 compost
.3 soilless mix
.3 coco coir

.3 compost
.3 soilless mix
.16 earthworm castings
.16 perlite

Add garden lime to any mix you make to buffer the pH at 7

Here's a mix I use
.4 Topsoil
(If it's for indoor, use a bag of good soil as the base instead of topsoil. The better the base (commercial) soil, the less ingredients you have to add yourself. But what you gain in simplicity, you lose more money in your pocket. A good base would be FF Light Warrior or Happy Frog, Royal Basement Mix, Roots Organic etc.)
.4 Compost
2 cups earthworm castings
3/4 cup blood meal
1/2 bone meal
Granular leonardite (humic acid)
a lot of perlite or hydroton depending on what I have on hand at the time

After mixing, let the soil sit in the sun for at least two weeks.
Mixing your own soil is the cheapest way to get a large amount of soil.
View attachment 1620708sorry yeah i meant potting soil not compost lol it was from a garden center i,m beginning to think it's just a weird event the rest of the plant seems fine how ever i will transplant her as you recomend see if that helps but the rock mix is a deff for all my next grow!
you live and learn! thanks for your help m8 cheers


Well-Known Member
You could check the dirt ppm by putting like a 1/2 cup dirt with like 1/2 water mix it and check the ph and ppm. I don't know what else to say. I all ways start extras cuz you'll all ways have one or two with issues!

I have to chime in. There is an easier way to check pH of root zone than making a soil paste and testing pH. usually, water is run through with a known pH. Runoff is then checked for pH. The difference tells you waht is up with the soil.

Also are other methods kinda of like what you said:

There are many different ways of measuring the pH of soil. Some use a saturated paste extract, others use a 1:5 dilution of soil: water, and then take a pH measurement on the resulting solution with a laboratory meter.