whats wrong with my plants?


DSC_3380.jpg Pre 98 bubba kushin 5 gallon pots. Anyone know what difficiency is this and how I can fix it?


Well-Known Member
Like what dirt and nutes you given it? This would be very helpful in determing the issue with the plant. Just from the pic it looks 2 or 3 weeks into veg and needs feeding of some Sensi Grow, voodoo juice, b-52 at about 600-800 ppms this what I give my at this time of the grow but if you already fed it forget this~:lol:


thanks for the response guys. I use this soil I get at a hyrdo shop called "frogs" and have been recommended to use "biobizz fish mix 2-0-4) along with "great white mycorrhizac" bacteria but have no experience using the stuff and think i jsut got upsold. anyone recommend a good plant nute? also how much can i expect to yield with a 400 HPS with 5 plants grown at a 9 week veg cycle.


Ursus marijanus
thanks for the response guys. I use this soil I get at a hyrdo shop called "frogs" and have been recommended to use "biobizz fish mix 2-0-4) along with "great white mycorrhizac" bacteria but have no experience using the stuff and think i jsut got upsold. anyone recommend a good plant nute? also how much can i expect to yield with a 400 HPS with 5 plants grown at a 9 week veg cycle.
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If it's Fox farm Happy Frog ... my plants went to the start of flower without any supplemental feeding at all. The soil already has mycos. The fish fert is not very useful imo ... you want something more balanced with some P in it. Are you gonna grow strict organic, or are salt 9solution) nutes OK? With a quart each of General Hydroponics Flora Series and a pinch of Epsom salt, i fed my ladies through the end of flower.
Under a 400, with your space filled (3x3?) by the time you flip your lights, as much as 8 ounces, but on a first grow expect 3 to 5. I would not run your veg on a strict schedule (although i know it's tempting) but do the flip when their size is right, just filling the lateral space. cn


what do you mean by p? phosphorus? i am growing strictly organic and have no clue what you mean by salt 9 solution? ive read that adding a pinch of salt will help with magnesium issues? do you know if this is true? also my room is 6 by 4. do you think the light will be able to sustain?

If it's Fox farm Happy Frog ... my plants went to the start of flower without any supplemental feeding at all. The soil already has mycos. The fish fert is not very useful imo ... you want something more balanced with some P in it. Are you gonna grow strict organic, or are salt 9solution) nutes OK? With a quart each of General Hydroponics Flora Series and a pinch of Epsom salt, i fed my ladies through the end of flower.
Under a 400, with your space filled (3x3?) by the time you flip your lights, as much as 8 ounces, but on a first grow expect 3 to 5. I would not run your veg on a strict schedule (although i know it's tempting) but do the flip when their size is right, just filling the lateral space. cn


Well-Known Member
OMG, your plant is green !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just kidding dude, she looks good, I'd chillax a little, too many people make their own plant problems by trying to decipher every little thing and fixing things that aren't wrong.

Carry on soldier !!!!!!!


Active Member
what do you mean by p? phosphorus? i am growing strictly organic and have no clue what you mean by salt 9 solution? ive read that adding a pinch of salt will help with magnesium issues? do you know if this is true? also my room is 6 by 4. do you think the light will be able to sustain?
No not plain salt, epsom salt for mag issues.I use 1 tsp per gallon if I have any problems.

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
Looks like fast new growth too me. I bet in a few days it will green up just fine. Rarely do you see a magnesium deficiency in new growth. It will show up in older growth first. Deficiencies of immobile elements show in new growth Mobile elements show in older growth as a rule of thumb.


Active Member
Looks fine, looks like new growth, leave her alone :) I've said before but it always bears repeating, "the hardest part of growing is the waiting" we all have that need to nurture, we over think things, over water things, over feed things and then ask "what's wrong with my baby"

Let it grow :peace: