What's wrong with my plants?

Growing indoors...very careful about over watering them...plenty of ventilation...good temperature...

Okay, we started with 3 plants all under one light...2 are bigger (but the same size as eachother), and one is much smaller. We started some clones and put them under a separate light. Then we removed the smaller of the plants and placed it in the same are with the clones because we didn't want to bud it yet. This plant was used to a 250 watt light but now was growing in a significantly less wattage light so it had reached it's max growth. The next morning after moving the plant, it was very droopy. This plant had always looked gorgeous. It was dry, so I watered it and I checked it later and it had perked up...but some of the bottom leaves were now turning yellow and among the next few days we had leaves as high as the middle of the plant turning yellow around the edges and getting brown spots all over the middles of the leaves. Some of the leaves literally look like a very ripe banana. Could any of this be related to the light wattage change? We were advised that it probably needed nutrients so we began a new nutrient cycle. The new growth is fine but some of the leaves just still look so crappy. Can anyone tell me what happened...and should I prune the crappy leaves off...some of them are very dry and crispy....Today we transplanted this plant and moved it in with the other 2 that are in bloom. We'll see how it does.
Of the two bigger plants that have always remained under the same conditions...one has many yellow leaves but mostly on the bottom or bottom middle. I realize that this is normal....but why only the one?
Also...my clones...in a separate area under a separate light...
I started with 3 clones and they all underwent the same treatment. When they had about enough roots to transplant we noticed how the leaves on one of them had started turning bright greenish/yellow. We were advised that it may be over watered. I had been watering them quite a bit just I had been when they were fresh clones. Now that we transplanted them and began watering more delicately...the leaves have actually begun to return to a more normal green color...except the edges of the leaves are still pretty yellow and the tips of them are brown, dry, and crumbly. These have not recieved any nutrients yet except for what's in the soil. Which reminds me...when do the clones need to start recieving nutrients like the rest of the plants? How big do they need to be or whatever? Also, any ideas of what happened to the edges of the leaves...it is just a reaction to the over watering? The other two clones that were done at the same time and undergone the same conditions are completely fine....in fact one is beautiful and full and bigger than the other two. Any advice or help would be appreciated. It's hard to find credible information on this subject on the internet because there are so many different conditions to consider.


Well-Known Member
As the other people have stated, pics would help.

What Kind of lamp, and wattage, are you vegging your clones under?

What are you feeding them?

Are the all in the same grow area apart from being under different lamps? (I guess not if you are in bloom under a 250W)

There are a whole lot more question that need be answered but first we all need to have a look ..
To clarify....The clones are all in one box....I have three that we recently transplanted because they had enough roots...they are centered under a 24x28 T5....and right next to that in the same box is another T5 24x8 that sits directly over a tray of newer clones. Both lights are about 6-8 inches above the clones. We have only been giving the clones tap water so far...not sure when they are big enough to begin giving nutrients but maybe that's part of my problem? We were under the impression that they get some nutrients from the soil they are in so we don't want to over-nutrient them.
Then there is the other box that houses 3 plants in bloom...under a 600 watt high pressure sodium light...our friend took the 250 watt back. For these we have been alternating water and nutrient water every other feeding. We're using Bio-grow and yesturday we bought Bio-bloom and Boombastic but we haven't used it yet, later tonight we will. The two bigger plants have been in bloom for about 1 week, and the smaller plant in with it was just placed in there a couple days ago because we felt that the T5 light wasn't enough for it. It wasn't doing well under it and it had been doing great before.
This is a pic of that plant....we just placed it in blooming a few days ago, new growth is good but other leaves are dry, crumbly, and horrid looking...any ideas what happened and should we prune them off?
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Below is a closeup of one of the leaves from this plant.
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Below is another closeup leaf from same plant.
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Below is yet another closeup of a leaf from the same plant.
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Below is one of the three clones that were Sisters (cloned at same time) and are now all three transplanted and under the 24x28 T5. The leaves started looking curly yesterday and this morning they are discolored and look like this. These haven't recieved any nutrients yet and I have tried to be careful not to water too much or too little.
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Below is a sister clone of the one above that was very bright green before because I had learned that I had overwatered it. I became more careful and we transplanted it...the leaved went back to normal green color but the tips of the leaves look like this...
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Below is the other sister plant of the two above...it is beautiful and healthy and has undergone all the same treatments....can anyone tell me why?
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Below is one the newer clones that has just overnight developed a yellow leaf. I try to keep them most but not drenched. We recently changed the brown cup trays because they were drenched and we didn't want too much moisture....
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Below is one of the sister clones of the one directly above it...overnight it also has begun developing yellowing tips/edges of the leaves...any advice or suggestions?
my plants 006.jpg


Well-Known Member
You have multiple issues going on there .. Mainly nutrient problems .. The Complete guide to Sick Plants,pH, and Pest troubles! ..

Nutrients from the soil? What soil? If you want complete control over your plants you shouldn't use soils with any nutrients.

In a box? Pics of the growing environment? Are your plants being suffocated as well as being poorly fed? What are your temperatures like?

My opinion is they are not getting the right balance of nutes and your pH is incorrect ..

I've tried bloombastic and it's not a plant food, it's just an amendment that provides extras for your plants at specific stages of bloom cycle ..

Your clones look burnt .. The grow medium is too hot for them .. Too much fertiliser!! .. One if them looks like it has necrosis, which is caused from having your lamps too close

You need an EC meter and pH meter; they are very important pieces of kit for any horticulturalist seeking to get the most from their plants

My suggestion would be to remove all the decaying leaves from your larger plants, flush your grow medium with pH'd water until the new growth becomes a light shade of green and then initiate half strength feeding .. I wouldn't give them full strength until I was satisfied my grow medium was sufficiently leached of most of the stray minerals contained within it .. The quickest was is to flush and measure the EC of the run-off.

You've provided a lot of text describing your movements but most of it is confusing


Active Member
Looks like what mine are doing but yours look 1000 times worse, But i feed and water them correctly but just all of a sudden today they went from dark green to lightgreenish yellow with small brown spots, the last 2 waters where flush plain so i might have under nuted them... hmmmmmm interesting


Well-Known Member
i think u over watered and u def got nute problems i would flush these plants out when u can and start fresh on nutes ...All that yellow dry shit needs to be cut off thats just asking for more problems. I start using 1/4 strengh nutes about 7-10 days after they root and i use my flower nutes cause plants use phosphorus in seed and clone and flowering at those times the most. GOOD LUCK