Whats wrong with my plants?


My plants were doing pretty good 2 days (The day before I gave the plants some plant food ) , then it started to rain that night and the following day with barely any sunlight. I went there yesterday after the rain and they werent doing to well. It was windy and raining abit last night, so I went to go check them today and they werent doing good at all. I took acouple pictures, showing that the dont look so good. Also I when i went down there today to check them out, i decided to put some plastic bags around the base of the plant so that any rain that lands near the base would just slide down the bag away from the plant. Im not sure if that was a good idea or not, but i do need some help. I was also wondering if I can recover the plants, how long will they be done in (Im guessing near two months)?


Green Cross

Well-Known Member
Devastating! Sorry
I would remove the plastic ASAP so the soil can dry out, and if the sun beats on the plastic, it's going to cook the roots. Are you sure that's not what already happened? Could be wind and hail damage I guess.

Stake them up, and hopefully they'll be able to hold themselves up in a day or 2.

I don't suppose you could shelter them from the direct sun for a day or 2?

They are definitely in shock


Those plants are nearly dead, get them some sunlight somehow! and depending on the stage which it is in can tell you what month they'll harvest. you got 2-3 months longer outside.


Thanks for the replies, the damage isnt from the plastic, I just put the plastic around the base before i took the pictures. Its been rainy weather for the last 3 days, and is probably going to continue :-(:wall: Im not sure how to give them more sunlight, other then moving them more out into the opening (which is a bad idea, they might get spotted). The forecast says its going to be cloudy and rainy with a little sun tomorrow, and then be cloudy and raining Thursday and Friday but next weekened its suppose to be sunny with a little bit of clouds (Not sure if that information helped at all). But I was wondering if I should put a tarp just a foot above the plants so that they get no water? Also Im not 100% sure how to tie them up, should i tie individual branches of the plant to a tree (see the pink string in all the pictures) and should i tie all of the branches up?

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
If the soil is saturated, I suppose that's enough to root rot 'em. Next time - if you plant in the same area - build up some mounds with some good soil, and plant above ground level.


Is there anyway to recover the plants? I also gave the plants " 20-20-20 All purpose plant food" 3 days ago, which could have something to do with the problem? But im pretty sure its due to all the rain and no sun. If there is a way to stall out the rain until it passes and keep the plants alive until it gets sunny, I would be thankful for any help.


green is right, roted roots happen easy with to much water. soil is a big deal, if i where you, transplant those bichz and get them under some nice cfls inside out of the wind and water ASAP.

little dubbie

Active Member
either get em out of there, or a little trick i tried once sounds crazy but it worked. I put some hperoxide in the water then watered the shit right out of them, i mean several gallons at once. Is the area they are in swampy? cause the ground in the pictures looks fairly dry. The plants are established so i doubt a nutrient def. is the problem. I might bet somebody poised them, or rot, or lack of water is what it really looks like but doesnt jive with your posts. so try the peroxide dude, they are about dead anyway.


Active Member
Agreed, those really look like rinsed plants, to say the least. If you want to have much of a chance to save them, try to get them in a pot inside a cabin of some sort, if you can, or somewhere inside to get them under as much light as possible.

A better suggestion to have dryer roots if you suffer the same situation, it'd probably be, if you can, to get a parasol over it while it's raining. (Just sit down on a chair and read, or soemthing, so it doesn't look too obviously suspicious) ANd remove it right when the rain stop.

Oh, another thing, when you transplant into outside soil, I highly recommend that you have at least 1 foot around your plant to be made of top soil, as if you had it in a pot. This'll allow your plant to create a firm root system so it doesn't falter quite so easily.
Also try to break up the dirt around it too, so it makes it a little less tough to push throw with roots. Best thing to do is f you can't push you finger through, break it a little, dooo.


Thanks again for the advice. They arent in a swamp, they are about 30-40 feet from a little river. I was thinking about moving them closer to the river because they will be getting more light and the good thing is the grass is so tall in the area, the plants arent that noticeable. But I might have to resort to making some sort of bargain with someone where i can use space (which is hopefully a last option :wall:) But from what im getting at, the most important thing is getting the plants light of some sort and not to keep the soil because its to wet? If theres anything else please add on. :weed: