whats wrong with my plant????


Active Member
Need more info than that, bro. What's it planted in and what are you feeding it? Looks like iron or manganese deficiency according to the most-overly-posted-chart. You may need to add some micro nutes, or it could be that they're being locked out due too too much of something else like K. You know better than anyone whether you think you're feeding it too much or not enough. Be careful you're not over watering it. Looks like you're trying to drown it...


Its outdoors in plain dirt, the only thing i do to it is i water it every night and once a week i put miracle grow plant food on it.....do u think the miracle grow plant food is what is causing this??

Capt. Stickyfingers

Well-Known Member
Is that the only leaf yellowing? If so, forget about it. If not, feed that thing. I don't see any signs of overwatering, the other leaves I see look fine.


Well-Known Member
mulch deeply around base of plant with some hardwood mulch; leave root crown open though. you didn't amend the soil from the hole, i'm thinkin'. it doesn't retain moisture. its going from wilting to drowning.


Theres about 4 or 5 leaves on the bottom that are doing it. So should i jus give it less water evryday or water it evry other day???


Well-Known Member
as i said..........mulch heavily to retain moisture. its 3 bucks at home depot. your soil won't dry as fast, and you will not have to water so often.

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
Looks like all is normal. Keep doing what your doing. The only thing you may want to do is up the feeding to twice a week. Outdoor soil is different from potting mixes. Nutrients leach from it easier than potting mixes.


I give it a little more thn a half gallon of water evrynight.... so i jus t spread the mulch around the base of the plant???


Active Member
Ah yes, miracle grow lacks certain micro nutrients or lacks them in sufficient quantity. I must say though, for straight dirt and miracle grow you're doing remarkably well. Keep doing what your doing with water, that isn't the problem or you would have killed the plant before it got so big. Mulch will definitely help it retain moisture though which sounds like it needs if you're needing to flood it like that every day. The problem is most likely the miracle grow lacking micro nutrients and your soil not having any either after beng flooded and leached like that every day. Look for Jacks' Classic 20-20-20 if you absolutely insist on buying your nutes from a hardware store.