Whats Wrong with my plant!?!?!?


Well-Known Member
Dude I had the same problem as that right there. I would take a gollon of water and mix in 4 drops of SuperThrive and water them with it. put un a drop of Biodegradable dishsoap, too. I had the same look on my plants but my plants were bigger, I did that and they came out of it. I'm gonna try to show you pics. I made a Thread too. I can show you pics of the plant now too. It really cam out of it. hold on I have to find the pics.


Well-Known Member
Its your Soil too, bro. Get FoxFarm if you can. I just did what I just told you. I couldn't afford to change soil in the middle of my grow.

little dubbie

Active Member
put a fan on them, make sure they dont get any chlorine or water softner salt shit in your water, and only water when they almost look like they are wilting, you have to make sure the dirt is as dry as possible and those little cups have plenty of drainage. Also ive seen problems with those lights, get a big one and you will save yourself all sorts of bullshit, and waisted time.

little dubbie

Active Member
PH would be no big deal unless you got limestone like the north east. but only from ground water. youll bet ph problems later in the grow not early. those little fuckers can go a while on shitty ph


Active Member
The lights are about 4 inches from the plants. Why are they all starting to have burn spots and the tips feel fried?

rural hick

Well-Known Member

vegetation begins when the first full fan of leaves appear, 5, 7, or 9. then start at maybe 20%.
it is not your lights. more than likely, looks, to me chemical nutrition burn. i did it too..
what is the N-P-K formula on the soils bag?

i used MG Organic Garden Soil .. the sack/bag with the big tomato on it. hardly any nutes whats so ever (0.05% N). and if the new leaves turn and curl like a ram's horn flush again.
sorry those spots will not heal. you may want to and NOT under lights; foilar spray with plain water. ain't gonna help the spots tho.