whats wrong with my plant please help


somebody help this whats wrong with the plant whats missing
flowering 4 weeks outdoor no nutrients only sun and water


theres no nutrient only water and sun plus its female all white hairs all over couldnt find any male sign really tall plant almost 140 cm


are you testing the pH of the water you give it? it looks like a combination of deficiency of one or more elements and toxicity of others which can happen pretty quickly if the pH is off. my ladies like the 6.3-6.8 range but if you can get it around 6-7 you might help her out.


ı dont have any tester yet but the waters ph ıs 6.0 that ı drınk everytıme .
but this is outdoor plant and one time i gave tap water. in istanbul wheather was so hot last month it was 38 degrees and 97 percent humidtiy maybe leaves are burned from the heat stress because bottom leaves are healty only top part is like this
thank you