What's wrong with my plant? (pic included)


Could anyone please tell me what's wrong with my plant? As you can see on the picture the leaves are like "curling" down and the side tips are kinda disappearing, first i tought that the were on the underside of the leaves but they are like gone. The leaves even feel a little dry even though iv watered the plant when needed all from the begging of her life. Iv even read that it can be copper problem, to little of it. Can anyone confirm that and how do I fix this ?



have u checked your ph an how much you feeding
No I haven't checked the ph I'm ordering one tomorrow. The plant is like a experiment I'm trying out diffrent stuff until I'll put some more plants in growth so I'm just learning on this one. Iv setup a kit of meters and other stuff in a online shopping cart so I havent ordered the ph meter yet.

I'm watering it whit floworing nutrients every time. Is that to much? Should I water it whit clean water sometime?

cody kush

yeah dont give it nutes every feed i had this problem when at first started using guanos cause they say u can burn themm with well i know thats a lie now


Well-Known Member
No I haven't checked the ph I'm ordering one tomorrow. The plant is like a experiment I'm trying out diffrent stuff until I'll put some more plants in growth so I'm just learning on this one. Iv setup a kit of meters and other stuff in a online shopping cart so I havent ordered the ph meter yet.

I'm watering it whit floworing nutrients every time. Is that to much? Should I water it whit clean water sometime?
What water do you use?

cody kush

No I haven't checked the ph I'm ordering one tomorrow. The plant is like a experiment I'm trying out diffrent stuff until I'll put some more plants in growth so I'm just learning on this one. Iv setup a kit of meters and other stuff in a online shopping cart so I havent ordered the ph meter yet.

I'm watering it whit floworing nutrients every time. Is that to much? Should I water it whit clean water sometime?

cody kush

are u letting the tap water sit out for about 24hours before use an i try to feed every 2 weeks now so i can avoid over doing it


are u letting the tap water sit out for about 24hours before use an i try to feed every 2 weeks now so i can avoid over doing it
Well I have the water always mixed whit the nutrient and ready so yeah it sits like that in some bottles over 24h but never clean, always mixed whit the floworing nutes.


Well-Known Member
Something you guys might want to consider is getting an RO filter. I start at 0 ppm very close to distilled water. Most city water has chlorine among other things like fluoride ect. in it. The plants don't need or want that. The chlorine will evaporate. I use to leave my res with the top off for a day before I used it. Nothing goes in my soil the plants don't need.