Whats wrong with my ladies

I have 5 pineapple express in roots soil and aurora cloth pots. Im using the roots grow along with floranectar and cal mag...my temp is at 71 and my humidity is unknown. They are 42 days old and im ready to start flowering but i want to fix my problem first. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!k:leaf:



Active Member
Buddha Grow lacks Potassium and Phosphorous. I suggest mixing 1 part grow and 1 part bloom. I ran into this problem as well. FYI I suggest using Trinity and some sort of Mycorhzae right before and during bloom.
thanx for the help!!! i went and bout a bottle of hpk which is all potassium and phosphorous. i also picked up some oregonismxl. should i apply it to the soil? mix with nutrients and water as usual? or both????? this is my first grow with all organics so please bare with me...


Active Member
Do you smoke cigarettes in your garden? Have you heard of the tobacco mosaic virus? Looks very similar to PH problems. Noticeable Discoloration and curving of the foliar is a tell tale sign of tmv.