Whats wrong with my grow?? (PIX)


Well-Known Member
I would also lower the lights, your plants look like they might be in danger of stretching a bit.
I would hold up before you did this. Try to figure out what light setup you are running. If those are halogen lights you might want to consider a fire extinguisher. IMO halogoen is a big no no for any household and even more so a grow box.


Well-Known Member
I would hold up before you did this. Try to figure out what light setup you are running. If those are halogen lights you might want to consider a fire extinguisher. IMO halogoen is a big no no for any household and even more so a grow box.
this is true, halo's get extremely hot and are the wrong spectrum of light for plant growth..:blsmoke:..what are your temps ?

there is a lot of good info in GrowFAQ about lighting.

here is a link on halo's.....https://www.rollitup.org/view.php?pg=faq&cmd=article&id=54, hope this helps...:peace:


Well-Known Member
This is tru, why did you go halogen? CFLs are much better IMO, the varient of color temps are buch easier to use in order to get the best light for both veg and flower state.


Well-Known Member
What is stretching? i did notice under this light... that the plants look like they actually "stretch" thier leafs to try to touch the light.. when i had it under the sun.. it didnt do this...


Well-Known Member
What is stretching? i did notice under this light... that the plants look like they actually "stretch" thier leafs to try to touch the light.. when i had it under the sun.. it didnt do this...
Thats exactly what stretching is, you need to lower the lights however you have halogens which are horrible for growing and very dangerous and on top of it all costly. Swap em out for CFLs try to get your money back for that light. 6 daylight 5000-6500K lights that put out a good amount of lumen should do the trick, keep em 1-3 inches from the canopy.


Well-Known Member
This kid has spiders crawling all over his plants and hes growing with halogens... I predict a practical discussion about nutes is no where near his future.

blonddie - please read the entire GROWFAQ at the top left corner of the website. That will give you most of the info you need to start growing. Anything after that we can answer for you.


Well-Known Member
Ok well i got rid of the lights, and im about to go buy some CFL's... any suggestions...? is 6 x 42watt compact CFL's fine ior 2 x 150 watt CFL? also i got rid of the spiders :) i dont see anymore webs or anything crawling... but now that i go to see my plants after 1 day of no Light it looks like one of the plants looks like its yellowing from the tip and working its way to the stem :( also 2 of the plants have small few yellow dots on them



Well-Known Member
get some lights on those ASAP!!! yellowing could be from over watering..and many other things....dont feed ur plants nothing but water for the first month..some people dont even fert. while in veg. and if u can get tubes instead...i seen ur space maybe 2 foot flour.will work good for u..i have (4) 2' flours for veg.....works nice....and a 600watt digital HPS on the way!!! soon i will buy a MH for veg...but the flours. are fine for now!!


Well-Known Member
The yellowing could be from anything. You need to step back from the plant a little bit, the pictures are too blurry. 2 x 150w CFLs would probably work great for you. The yellowing could easily be heat burn from the halogen lamps you had over the plants earlier. If the yellowing just started directly after you removed the lights then it must be some other problem. It also could have been from the spiders you had previously. I'm guessing it could have been a combination of heat burn and insects. Anyway, now you need to get some lights on those plants ASAP. At least just leave them in a room with the light on 24/7 until you get some lights dedicated to growing underneath them.

P.S. - You can start using nutes after the 3rd node has grown. Start with a 1/4 concentration and work your way up to full every new node.


Well-Known Member
well i want to wallyworld and got 8 100watt CFL's 3 at 5000k heat temp and 3 6500 :) here is the pic :) I got 2 more left for the pot on the left... i just dont have th fixtures yet



Well-Known Member
Nice work, looking better already! Wait a few days to see what the new growth on the plants is looking like. If it's bright green you're on your way to seeing some bud!


Well-Known Member
thanks! man i hope my medium is ok.. and that i didnt burn them that bad with the plant food :(..... if worse comes to worst should i get new medium?


Well-Known Member
if u notice there getting worse then flush them!!! dont water them for atleast 3 days after flush!& did u get that neem ratio i sent u?!?



Well-Known Member
Yes its tin... is that bad??!? well i got a bunch of car windshield covers (for the sun) i can use.. anyway...

My plants have new baby leafs and the tips of thier are brown or reallly yellow what is this caused by!>?!??

munch box

Well-Known Member
Increase the co2 levels in your grow room to 2000 ppm for 2 hours. that should take care of any pest problems


Well-Known Member
well i took off all the tin...and replaced with the auto windshield sun blocking stuff... my bro said its made of mylar :)
