What's wrong with my Grape Ape??


Well-Known Member
Help needed!

I have a GA clone, and one of its bigger leaves is curling and getting light and dark spots, looking like it's going downhill.

The bubbbleberry plant next to it is thriving, they're in the same place, same soil, feed, etc. The clones were similar size when I got them but the GA has just be growing way slower.

What could it be?



Well-Known Member
i think you should give it a lil time for the soil to dry out and water, kinda looks like overwatering/calmag deficient a tad bit


Well-Known Member
Everything but that leaf looks pretty good. I would just remove the leaf and keep going.

Did you just transplant? What are you feeding them? What light are you using?



Well-Known Member
Just transplanted from clone a week or so ago, into Happy Frog. Fed them really weak FF grow big and CalMag so far. They're taking off so I'm going to give a full dose of grow big next time.

I'm leaning towards pruning the leaf too I think

Hasn't been watered lately but this Happy Frog def holds a lot of water. I'm going to mix in more perlite next time. It's just weird to me that the bubbbleberry is blowing up so fast in all the same conditions


Well-Known Member
If you have good drainage you should be fine.

Two different strains will normally have different requirements. I am sure it will take off at any moment now.


Well-Known Member
the leavea drooping look either over or underwatering, also one may grow slower or seem to then the other because of the strains and differences in genetics.