whats wrong with my girl?


im new to indoor growing and one of my girls is getting really spotty leaves, shes been a bit mutated since she sprouted but this is new, my other plant is in the same soil, they are both 15 days from germination and havent been fed except for water
the above picture is the sick girl
and its not letting me post the picture of the healthy one for comparasion, sorry.
anyone who can help me figure this out please reply



Well-Known Member
ive had a few plants try that before and honestly i never found the exact solution but i had theories,

temperature/humidity stress, try keeping plants temps more consistent.

my water i was using had high salts concentration and may be causing problems, i have corrected this by flushing plants and giving them a strictly RO water diet with a good 2 part nutrient solution started at very low dose just incase it is a nutrient problem and or if any nutrient problems occur, always adjust slowly and not in great leaps.

and last but not least it could be a ph problem, i had noticed on a couple of them that their ph from runoff and soil testers that it had been fluctuating drastically and would dip to 4.0 and then be 6.9 the next day, i believe this is due to high salt concentrations and or an unstable nutrient solution that fluctuates if left to sit even for 10 minutes, a good fix is to flush with 3x the water, wait til next feeding and invest in ph up and down and then add a little bit regardless if your ph is 6.2, like id add some ph down to get it to like 5.9 and then i like to add ph up to get it back to 6.2 (or whatever ph dependant on soil, strain, and nutrient solution) as this should help stabilize it, if any old timers want to chime in about this wether or not this is a good way to stabilize your ph or wether or not theres better ions to use feel free to school me as i love to learn.

sorry about that baby, i hope you can correct and get on the right track.


Well-Known Member
can't tell what or if thats a deficiency sry man. but maybe overwatering (leaf droops) and maybe heat stress (leaves look a little more serrated)


the leaves are droopy in the pictures because i had just flushed incase i had hot soil and my tempuratures are in the high 70s with my fan off and low 70s with it on, overnight the leaves started developing brown spots so its pointing me towards a cal mag deficiency