Whats wrong with my dinafem blue widow?


Well-Known Member
Alright, so 3 days ago i flushed them because they were transfered into miracle gro, 2/3 of them took the transfer fine, but my blue widow is not happy. Bottom leaves are turning yellow, yellowing appears to be working its way up, and there are small brown specs on the leaves as well. There under 4 cfl's 2 45 watt warms, and 2 23 watt colds. Temp 81 day, 73 night. Humidity likes to stay right in that butter zone of 60. So any ideas what it is and how to fix it? If its a nitrogen problem i CANT flush again because it was just flushed 3 days ago, another this soon would kill it so.

All help is appreciated and + reps for logical answers.


Rancho Cucamonga

Active Member
No experience with MG. Did you transfer into MG like you said or out of? If into what were they in before, cubes?

I'm a bit confused. If you flushed MG, which you can't because it's full of nutes, they should of burned pretty bad, especially if it's new MG soil. This looks like N deficiency to me and the few brown or dark areas may just be chlorosis which is part of most deficiencies. Again, to me it looks like it needs N but I can't see why in fresh MG soil.
Hold off on the watering and let that pot dry out almost completely and see what happens. I will ask a buddy of mine what he did with early yellowing in MG.


Well-Known Member
i transfered from jiffy seedling starter, when i transfered, all 3 started getting sick like the blue widow, so i flushed the pots because thats what was reccommended to me on here, and it worked on 2 of them(which were 2 weeks older then the blue widow), they started growing again and the leaves got there dark green back. Except the blue widow that is, it got worse after the flush.


Well-Known Member
i didnt "flush" per say, i gave them enough water for a 10% run off because before transfering anything into mg your supposed to do a flush of the soil, its on the instructions on the bag, but my thinking was "i didnt do it last time why do it this time", so i didnt, when transfered into the mg from jiffy seedling starter, all 3 got sick, so i did the mg flush while they were potted in it, 2 recovered, and this one didnt.

Rancho Cucamonga

Active Member
Just got done talking with a buddy who used MG for about 2 years and the number one word that kept coming up was "inconsistent".

He doesn't remember any yellowing or N issues early on but he remembers his MG grows as being hit and miss all the time. You never really know what you got for nutes in each batch, even with each pot from the same batch. He said over-watering was the main issue as MG didn't drain or aerate well. So the only thing I can suggest is water less often and when you do introduce nutes after 14-21 days in that soil use very little. MG is very unforgiving and unpredictable soil.

To be honest, if I were you, I would pull my plants out of that MG, spray off as much MG dirt as I could and transplant into a better soil. I only have experience with Fox Farm Ocean Forest, Happy Frog and Light Warrior, and Roots Organic 707. If all else just get through this grow as best you can and get better soil for the next grow.
Another thing my friend mentioned is many of the MG grows that were successful ended up tasting like shit or having low potency. Again, he started as a newbie with MG but he stuck with it for about 10 harvests until I grabbed him some Roots 707 that was on sale locally and he hasn't used MG since.

As for what to do if you can't get better soil just see what happens. Ease up on watering and allow pots to dry out and post some more pics in a week or so.


Well-Known Member
Yeah ,i would agree with that ,some soils are inconsistant.. the mix of nutes will not be the same in all bags.. some will be weak and some will be hot.

I would be very confident saying your plant is just hungry and needs some nitrogen asap.It will recover ,once it gets going ,in 2 weeks it will be big and healthy .

IF and i doubt it ,if that doesn't help ,you may want to check your ph as the only other thing might be a ph imbalance locking out the nutes.. but i really think it's just afeeding issue.


Well-Known Member
thank you very much to both of you. Rancho, sorry couldnt give you reps cuz it said
  • You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Rancho Cucamonga again


Rancho Cucamonga

Active Member
thank you very much to both of you. Rancho, sorry couldnt give you reps cuz it said
  • You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Rancho Cucamonga again

lol Not a problem.

Also, to what puffdaychronic said. Get a pH meter. An Oakton ecotestr is 60 or so. Or get the cheap drops. You want to keep pH between 6.4-6.8 in MG or most soils. If you are in the high 5s or low 7s or even more out there that can lockout certain nutes. You check soil pH by checking the pH of the runoff. It's not a perfect reading but it's within .2 with a good meter. So if you checked runoff and get say 5.8, you would want to water soil ASAP with about 6.5-7.5 pHed water(the wide range is dependent on different things) I'd water with 7pH for 5.8. Your goal again is 6.5 or so. You should do this throughout veg particularly so by the time you get into early flower or even before that you have mastered your pH. Mastering soil pH will help you diagnose issues easier but most importantly it will help keep them away.


New Member

  • Hey Guccizillaa! , I'm getting the same issues with my plants as well, did you end up finding out what was causing the yellowing/dying off of the leaves exactly? How did they turn out in the end? Would love to hear your solutions/further issues you may have experienced!
