whats wrong with my baby?


Well-Known Member
what do the roots look like? are u using any preventative measures for ur hydro? teas or beneficial bacteria to keep the root zone healthy? also whats ur feeding schedule? how much do u give them in nutes? also ph? and temps?


Well-Known Member
they do look thirsty. as a noob i had the same thing happen to me. but my issue was slime and shit in my reservoir. caused a bunch of root rot. one night they were fine then next day one looked like that. then the day after they all looked like that. pay attention to ur root zone its just as important as the top of the plant.


With several others all being fed off the same system, I wouldn't worry about it. As long as the roots look good, there is unlikely to be some isolated issue with one plant as opposed to the others. That little wilting can most likely be attributed to "thirsty", and should alleviate itself in a short period of time. As wheels619 said, pay attention to the roots, just to be on top of things, if your roots look good then it is likely nothing, but it could also an early indicator of something worse.