Whats wrong with my babies??


Well-Known Member
Have you used nutes when watering , fox farm can be hot on its own, some over water , over nute but not mentioning either, its hard to say


Well-Known Member
Always best to use a seed starter mix. They should grow out of it. But if they get worse...transplant to milder mix.

derius johnson

Well-Known Member
Yea bro all I used was fox farm ocean forest no nutes added... I watered about 4 days ago I watered today.. Let the water sit out overnight.. This shit is tripping me out I don't want them to die


Well-Known Member
I don't see anything seriously wrong with them. It is typical for a clone to yellow slightly while rooting and be stunted in growth anywhere from 3 days to 2 weeks after transplant. Don't stress dude.

Its hard to see the colour from the pic, but to me, you may even need to feed them. My clones go straight from the humidity dome into 5 gallon dwc mixed at half strength nutes. Although, some strains do exhibit slight burn on the leaf tips, it always works out for me.

derius johnson

Well-Known Member
Anywhere I could find some cheap starter mix??? I had good results with patio plus at Home Depot bud that's outdoor soil.. Thanks


Well-Known Member
i like to use seed starter then top dress once the plant is a few inches tall.
topdress with ffof, to give the plant some food, once it's rooted up and about 1/2 foot or so tall, you can transplant into ffof cut with perlite or something

to make my own ceed starting mix, id do 20% ffof, 40% perlite/vermiculite, 10 % worm castings, and the rest peat or coco
you wouldn't need to topdress it


Active Member
Where did you get your fox farms soil? Do they not sell Light Warrior too? Fox farm can burn seedlings and clones, I usually don't feed when using FFOF for 3-4 weeks. Should be fine I wouldn't worry about it. Are these indoor plants?

derius johnson

Well-Known Member
Ima try not to stress it anymore until it gets worse.. They seem to be thriving.. Two of my plants two fan leaves burnt off but there's still new growth the others are doing pretty fine