Whats wrong with my babies!?!

Treenk Sitis

Active Member
Well Tomarrow will be one month since i planted the seeds. they are under a 400watt mh lamp i planted them in miracle grow soil and started giving them 20-20-20 formula added to their water 3 days ago. I water them about every other day. But they are also in a non air conditioned building so its cold at night and hot in the day but it never gets near freazing? and they have an icolating fan blowing on low next to them. Can't think of anything else to add ask if im missing anything. There should be a picture on this



Well-Known Member
looks to me that they need water.. also i think its too early to be using any nutes on them since you're using miracle grow..


Well-Known Member
oh man, oh man, not mg soil. and you are feeding them too? it's called nute blasting. figure you have about 1 week or so to fix or thats that.
sorry bro

Treenk Sitis

Active Member
So is the nutrients the reason the leaves are curling as well? Does part of it have to do with the temp? it doesn't get to cold at night here i live in arizona so like 50 is lowest atm but its still a pretty big shift from daytime. Also should i cut the leaves off that are half dead?