What's wrong with my 7' outdoor plant???


Well-Known Member
Hey guy, started this plant indoors back in may and moved it out the woods about 3 weeks later. It's been growing awesome up til about a week ago. Unfortunately, I didn't have the camera out with me today, but brought these leaves back to take a picture to post.

The plant is in about a 2'x2'x2' hole with Sunshine Mix. I usually let mother nature do the watering, except from late June to late July when it didn't rain for almost a month. I feed with the Botanicare Pure Blend Pro series once a week at full strength. Usually 2 gallons per plant. Since it began flowering about 2-3 weeks ago I've been using the "transition" mix of 1tbls Grow and 1tbls Bloom. I have four female plants about the same size from 4 different strains, but this is the only one giving me problems. I'm not sure if it's a deficiency since it came on suddenly and drastically about a week ago. I'd say 1/2 way up the plant, all the fan leaves and some of the branch leaves look like this. Some better, but some worse. The worse ones are completely brown and dead, the pics are somewhere in between.

I'm very concerned I might lose this whole plant if I don't get it fixed soon. The strain is Ceres Purple, which is suppose to be a fast flowering, but with only about 3 weeks of flowering in, I still have a long way to go. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Checked all the stickies and didn't see anything even similar.


Active Member
I think i am in the same boat as you! Mine is indoors, 5x 24w 2700k CFL's and 150w 6400k CFL. Feeding every 2 days about 1litre of water from the garden with 4ml of BioGrow and 1ml Bloombastic. Then next watering i feed 1 Litre with 1ml of BloomBastic.


Looks like the early stages of your plant.

Can anyone answer both our questions?


Well-Known Member
I think i am in the same boat as you! Mine is indoors, 5x 24w 2700k CFL's and 150w 6400k CFL. Feeding every 2 days about 1litre of water from the garden with 4ml of BioGrow and 1ml Bloombastic. Then next watering i feed 1 Litre with 1ml of BloomBastic.

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Looks like the early stages of your plant.

Can anyone answer both our questions?
I think your problem is a little different. You got a better pic? Mine keep turning yellow pretty much evenly throughout the plant then getting this dead brown, almost rust color to it.


Well-Known Member
Looks like a N deficiency. If I remember correctly, it can cause those necrotic spots, along with the even yellowing. It's pretty common during early flowering. Since it's this early, I'd give it some N-rich fert. If you already have, I'd wait a few days and see how it reacts. What are the N-P-K ratios of that fert you're using?


Well-Known Member
Looks like a N deficiency. If I remember correctly, it can cause those necrotic spots, along with the even yellowing. It's pretty common during early flowering. Since it's this early, I'd give it some N-rich fert. If you already have, I'd wait a few days and see how it reacts. What are the N-P-K ratios of that fert you're using?
Interesting. I was thinking N at first too bud I've seen N before and it looked a little different. I'm shocked at the speed and extent of the damage.

The Grow is 3-2-4 and Bloom is 1-4-5


Well-Known Member
^Not all N deficiencies look the same. They will look different, according to what stage of growth their in. An early veg deficiency will look different than a mid-flowering deficiency, for example. :)


Well-Known Member
^Wow, that's worse than I thought. Did it happen to get dry to the point of drooping? Whenever I let my flowering plants get wilted, I get a similar 'die-off' after I've watered, and they've bounced back. My guess is that the plants sacrifice(or use) their fan leaves, from the bottom up, in an effort to continue flowering(produce seeds). Or,...it's just really hungry. Those newest pics look like an early calcium deficiency, and also, magnesium.

It's pretty early in flowering, so I'd go with some veg fert. You'll want to add something with micro-nutes too.


Well-Known Member
I see several leaves that are displaying the Nitrogen "Claw" which comes from Nitro toxicity, usually from a chemical fert.

The early pics looked like Magnesium and calcium deficiencies.


Well-Known Member
Cool thanks for the advice. Yeah it's pretty bad, haha. Like I said, it happened so fast I was shocked. It went to perfect to like that in not even a week! I've been keeping up on watering so it hasn't really gotten that dry. I'd say from mid June to mid July it literally didn't rain and was in the 90's that entire months time, but I made sure they got a good watering twice a week.

I have some Schultz All Purpose 15-10-15 with micronutes that I've been using in small amounts from time to time. It's been really wet, but after it dries out I think I'm going to hit it with a strong dose.


Well-Known Member
^Don't get too carried away with the fert, you wouldn't want to burn them at this point. Also, you might want to add some epsom salt, if you don't have any Calmag, because those 'general purpose ferts' usually don't contain enough calcium or mag, to sustain cannabis, throughout.
Magnesium deficiency will exhibit a yellowing (which may turn brown) and interveinal chlorosis beginning in the older leaves. its not a N deficiency


Well-Known Member
Cool thanks for the advice. Yeah it's pretty bad, haha. Like I said, it happened so fast I was shocked. It went to perfect to like that in not even a week! I've been keeping up on watering so it hasn't really gotten that dry. I'd say from mid June to mid July it literally didn't rain and was in the 90's that entire months time, but I made sure they got a good watering twice a week.

I have some Schultz All Purpose 15-10-15 with micronutes that I've been using in small amounts from time to time. It's been really wet, but after it dries out I think I'm going to hit it with a strong dose.
I'd start off with 1/2 doses and make sure soil and water are PH'd and you'll be fine. If you are using distilled water, add calmag to supply missing calcium and magnesium.


Well-Known Member
Well I went out to check up on it today and it doesn't look like the damage has progressed any further. I fed it with half strength Botanicare Bloom and half strength of the Schultz multipurpose. I also put about 1/4 teaspoon of epsom salt and 1/4 teaspoon lime in the water. I'm pretty sure I'll be good with the nutes, but hopefully the espom salt and lime were a bad idea. I guess I don't really have much to lose since the plant will probably die if I don't try something.