Whats Wrong w/ These Plants??? 3 1/2 weeks from seed


New Member
they look fine to me. looks like a little nute burn possibly from nutrient solution splashed on the leaves.. perhaps when they were younger?


If you have been good with the fertilizer, and haven't given more than 1/4 the recommendation, then I would have to say you are overwatering. Let the soil dry up till the pot is light. My 2 cents.


Active Member
If you have been good with the fertilizer, and haven't given more than 1/4 the recommendation, then I would have to say you are overwatering. Let the soil dry up till the pot is light. My 2 cents.
I agree, looks like it could be getting overwatered, also the dark green could possibly be too much nitrogen, but I would let them dry out completely, then cut back a bit on the amount of water you are giving them and see how they respond.


Well-Known Member
whats wrong with these plants. ive had to cut 2 bottom leafs from 2 plants..NOTT the baby baby leafs.,,

i think i know what's wrong, the first two pics are in the side view,

so to fix that issue, i need to turn my head side ways (but it's fine, it is an extra exercise in my neck), so that i can take a good look at it.

just kidding.

i think your plants are ok except for the brown thingy , and dark green leaves, i think it's over nute.