Whats wrong please help


Well-Known Member
cant tell much from the pic. all i see is a couple droopy leaves. if you want you can put a light to penetrate the bottom a lil better like a cfl


Well-Known Member
soil plants 8 days into flowering. can anyone tell me whats wrong with the bottom of this plant.
My guess inadequate lighting.. Lower branches are prob receiveing little to no light. What kind of lighting are you using..?

Dinosaur Bone

Active Member
Whats the new growth look like??? You should be about halfway through the first couple week growth explosion. If your new growth is keeping up with, or exceeding the droopy / "shedding off" bottom growth ... then IMHO & in my limited experience there isn't much of a problem. The lush new growth is where the party is going to be....

That's not to say that the top side is looking & feeling much better.... but some info on the Top side might help us make a better diagnosis on the whole plant.