What's Wrong? I'm getting frustrated. PICS


Active Member
Ok, so this is my second attempt and it's just not doing anything. WTF? Dinafem Royale Haze feminized. I germinated the seed 8 days ago. I soaked it in water for 24 hrs, no light, warm temps. There was no tap root sticking out yet but it sank to the bottom so I planted it in Light Warrior w/perlite added, watered thoroughly (no nutes added, soil & water combined pH 6.8--Placed in my grow box w/a humidity dome, temps 79-82 degrees, (3) 23watt 6500k cfls several inches away and removed the humidity dome 3 days ago after the seed case pushed above soil. Have kept RH at 40-50% temps stable at 82 degrees and fan on for good air circulation. Here's what it has looked like for 3 days now...nothing is changing. I watered it the day I placed the seed and then watered again 5 days later as I could feel the soil was dry, so I'm not over watering. What the hell am I doing wrong? Why is it not growing? You can see the cotyledon leaf trying to poke out on the second pic and a green stem on the first pic, but absolutely nothing is changing in 3 days. Ideas?

RH 1.jpgRH2.jpg


Well-Known Member
sometimes the seed casing and membrane get stuck,and so you have to very gently remove them otherwise the seedling may die.


Well-Known Member
Placed in my grow box w/a humidity dome
Everything was going ok until you whacked them in the dome with prob 100% rh and in turn you rotted the new sprouts. Dont bother persisting with them they are dead as shit. Next time wait till they crack in wet paper towels then into some wet/moist medium and when it surfaces let the medium dry between waterings.


Active Member
You soaked them in water? Your drowning them, check( buds) post. Also when you place them in "inert" soil don't go feeding them, if your soil is pre nuted. theres one issue, they are stunted before they crack hull. When you plant them do it head down when the tap, or "plumule", root is aproximately 3 times the size of the seed itself. This makes the seed do a 180 then push its way up shedding that hull. This is allowing the plant to do it itself, without destroying the germ by manually removing it. Lights at this point have very little to do with anything you need enough to keep a germ alive. a twist- in florecent will be plenty, dont try putting up aluminum, mylar, non of that shit now, just grow roots.


Well-Known Member
i always pop my seeds in a glass of water with a little h2o2. out of the last 20 strains ive popped i lost 1 seed that was cracked/crushed. 24-36hrs and all popped and some popped completely from the shell.

jessy koons

New Member
Cannabis seeds germinate outside in dirt very easily. This should tell you something.

I hear many complicated stories about soaking, paper towels, the 'right' soil to germinate in etc..ad nauseum. Most of the special techniques that people swear by don't make any difference with the exception that they often do harm and complicate what is a very simple process.

Plant the seeds any side up 1/2 inch deep in potting soil. Water. Place the container in a warm ( 65- 80 ), dark place for three days. On the 4th day water again then put under any kind of light and be ready for them to germinate. Don't fertilizer for a couple of weeks then do it at 1/4 - 1/2 strength. Anything more than this is unnecessary. Good luck


Active Member
It's definitely dead. Time to plant more seeds.

It's ok to soak them in water until they sink, that means they've absorbed enough moisture to begin rooting. But you probably don't need a humidity dome; if you use one make sure you remove it when it pokes its head above soil.