What's wrong here (PICS)



Hey guys, I was having heat problems and I think it has caused my leaves to curl but just wanted to be absolutely certain. Can anyone tell me what's the issue here?


Well-Known Member
Could be heat stress but aslong as they are nice and green and healthy looking such as yours... Id let them do there thing just keep a good eye on them and perhaps add an oscillating fan at there level.

Good luck with them girls! :leaf


Hey Scroglodyte. Thanks, Yeah I ph'd my rockwool. I don't think I've been over watering them as I wait until the wool is getting quite dry.

Martybutch - Thank you, Hopefully it was just heat stress. The heat in my tent increased drastically when I turn on the hps and I am having to keep my doors open until I get a air-cooled hood. I currently have the HPS about 2 ft above them as I read that this was best for the plants until they have grown to around their 3rd node. Now that I have controlled the temperature. Do you think this should be disaster adverted?


Hi rebel, Yeah for a while my temps spike over 85 but I have brought this down significantly. I have only been watering the bottom 70% of the rockwool to encourage my roots to grow downwards to I can get them in my hydro system because they need to be root bound prior to transfer. This seems to be working as I am getting a very healthy amount of roots sticking through at the bottom as of last night. I spray the leaves regularly to simulate rain but is this enough?