WHATS WRONG?!? 3 strains, 3 weeks into flowering. 400whps.

Mr. Trees

Closet first time grow. FFOF, distilled water, no nutes until 9/1 when I started budding. They are now getting FF Tiger Bloom(2tsp per gallon) and molasses(2 tsp per gallon) every other day. I use 1 gallon of water for 2 plants(half a gallon for each plant every other day). The strains are 2 killawatt, 1 warlock, and 1 chronic. All seeds came from attitude, feminized.
My plants look pretty healthy for the most part but two of them have alot of browning leaves. I just fed them some sea kelp today(2tsp per gallon of liquid kelp), see if that help.
Any ideas on whats going on? If you need more info or more pics let me know.



Well-Known Member
it looks like over fertilized. that or its to hot but not the whole plant is doing it. where were those leafs takin from the bottom or top?
im going with over fert. also do you give plain water between feeds if not you should

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Are you PHing your water? Distilled water as it sits will drop in PH. I used distilled water but when I get it I have to PH up it. and if I were you I would just stick to FF nutes. the more you add to your grow the more variables you have to figure out when you have problems.

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
it looks like over fertilized. that or its to hot but not the whole plant is doing it. where were those leafs takin from the bottom or top?
im going with over fert. also do you give plain water between feeds if not you should
Yeah you should always start out at 1/4 to 1/2 ferts to see if you plants can take it! More is better when it comes to ferts!

Mr. Trees

mcpurple: the leaves in the pics were taken from the bottom, but leaves all over a couple of the plants are suffering. ill put up a few more pics from a living plant. i thought they may have had an N def at first because a few of the bottom leaves on my strongest plant were yellowing. surprised to hear you think its over fert.
howard: i dont ph the water. im lazy, and buy distilled because I dont want to deal with ph. thanks for the advice on the nutes, i may lay off the molasses. but i read that adding it to any nute solution is fine because all it does is add sugars to the soil and make the buds juicier.


Well-Known Member
mollases wont hurt the plant in any way unless you use way to much but your using a fine amount. what is your grow room temps. its either heat or nute burn. and do you ever give you plants plain water

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
howard: i dont ph the water. im lazy, and buy distilled because I dont want to deal with ph. thanks for the advice on the nutes, i may lay off the molasses. but i read that adding it to any nute solution is fine because all it does is add sugars to the soil and make the buds juicier.
Not to be rude but if you are lazy then you will have these problems! Buying distilled water doesn't mean that your PH will be right! I get it and it is 5.0 or below! I always have to PH up my water. But if you want to be "lazy" and not PH your water then expect your plants to be shit and have problems! GL on your grow.

Mr. Trees

the grow room temp is fairly warm, id estimate around 85degrees F. its a closet set up, so i dont have good ventilation. i have three fans going for circulation and took the door off the hinges to allow more air to flow through. should i take the mylar off the walls? maybe thats making it hotter?
since i started giving them nutes two weeks ago, I have not given them plain water. giving them a good flush may be the answer.


Mr. Trees

hey man, its my first grow. i was told distilled water was good to go on numerous threads. maybe lazy was the wrong word...im willing to do whatever it takes to treat my girls with care. ill go buy a ph kit tomorrow. i woulnt have spent 40euros on 5 seeds of killawatt or invested in a 400w MH/HPS setup if i was lazy or didnt care.


Well-Known Member
Not to be rude but if you are lazy then you will have these problems! Buying distilled water doesn't mean that your PH will be right! I get it and it is 5.0 or below! I always have to PH up my water. But if you want to be "lazy" and not PH your water then expect your plants to be shit and have problems! GL on your grow.
well most store bought water is neutral as it is bad to drink water with a to low or to high of a ph.

the grow room temp is fairly warm, id estimate around 85degrees F. its a closet set up, so i dont have good ventilation. i have three fans going for circulation and took the door off the hinges to allow more air to flow through. should i take the mylar off the walls? maybe thats making it hotter?
since i started giving them nutes two weeks ago, I have not given them plain water. giving them a good flush may be the answer.

well the temp is not to hot then. and also over fert is most likely your prob you need to give plain water in between feeds. i always do feed, water,feed,water and so on some do feed,feed, then water and so on but thats them. if you havent given plain water in 2 weeks then do so next time they need water. also adding nutes to water will change the ph of the water some make it spike up some make it spike down. ive used ff tiger bloom and i think it made mine go down quite a bit. so you might want to check into a ph meter of some sort

Mr. Trees

thanks man. i may start using my tap water again. i was using it for the first three weeks of veg before i read that distilled would be much better. just need a ph tester to see where the numbers are. so you think with a good flush, a more balanced feeding schedule, and a consistent ph i should be golden huh? anything else i could do to make my girls happier? much apreciated mcpurps.


Active Member
Since the leave came from the bottom, i would agree that it over nutes. The curling of leaves is chronic. The black spoting and almost decay look looks like K overdose for sure. Thats why I think its a flower nute problem over a ph: a ph problem you can get sings off all kind of lock out from NKP to all the micro nutes too. Howies is right, you need to pH the the watering. fYI, Molsassis has a pH of around 8.0, so watering of that without adjustment could cause problems, denpending on the ph of the water you use, and how often you use molassis.

Best to get ph and up and down that come w/ a drop tester. pH everything of watering to nutes, molassis or anything else that goes in the plant. Its not the big of a pain once you figure out what the ph of your water is plain, how much is it with nutes, or w/ molassis or anything else you use on a reg. basis. You will will know how much ph up or down to add with out even taking a reading.

As far now, I would flush all you plants asap. dont water again until the top two inches of soil are dry, and dont feed them for at least a week. As stated above, go slow when you resume feeding nutes at 50% and build up. Good luck.

Mr. Trees

sweet. i just watered them with sea kelp today(heard it balances soil ph) so ill give them a couple days to dry before i flush. thank you all so much. ill update in a week or two.


Well-Known Member
thanks man. i may start using my tap water again. i was using it for the first three weeks of veg before i read that distilled would be much better. just need a ph tester to see where the numbers are. so you think with a good flush, a more balanced feeding schedule, and a consistent ph i should be golden huh? anything else i could do to make my girls happier? much apreciated mcpurps.
well i wouldnt flush with lots of water just next time they need water give them the normal amount and i would use plain water for the next 2-3 times before you feed again. so if youve been giving half gal to each plant stay with that just plain water next time. i would go plain water wait til it needs more then more plain water and then wait till it needs more and then plain water again, after that i would start to feed again at half strength of the recommended dose, and then do the plain water in between feeds and every feed slowly increase the amount of nutes. and yes you should definitely get better results with this and knowing your ph.

Since the leave came from the bottom, i would agree that it over nutes. The curling of leaves is chronic. The black spoting and almost decay look looks like K overdose for sure. Thats why I think its a flower nute problem over a ph: a ph problem you can get sings off all kind of lock out from NKP to all the micro nutes too. Howies is right, you need to pH the the watering. fYI, Molsassis has a pH of around 8.0, so watering of that without adjustment could cause problems, denpending on the ph of the water you use, and how often you use molassis.

Best to get ph and up and down that come w/ a drop tester. pH everything of watering to nutes, molassis or anything else that goes in the plant. Its not the big of a pain once you figure out what the ph of your water is plain, how much is it with nutes, or w/ molassis or anything else you use on a reg. basis. You will will know how much ph up or down to add with out even taking a reading.

As far now, I would flush all you plants asap. dont water again until the top two inches of soil are dry, and dont feed them for at least a week. As stated above, go slow when you resume feeding nutes at 50% and build up. Good luck.
my water never changed ph when i added just molasses.


Well-Known Member
thanks man. i may start using my tap water again. i was using it for the first three weeks of veg before i read that distilled would be much better.
watch out for the chlorine in tap water. letting your water sit out for 24 hrs will give the chlorine enough time to dissipate.


Well-Known Member
Hi MrTrees

Hope you got your Ph kit, you should also ook into making a few holes and place an extractor to create more fresh air, which also provides the very important Co2.

Your plants are burned by too many nutrients that cant be used due to lack of Co2 in the air.

But...when flowering you should get yellow leaves, this is a healthy natural occurance, dont up the Nitrogen because they wont take it in during flowering, this will create burns and also saturates the space around your roots and prevents them from using the nutes they need.
You might also create high salt levels in the soil, needs flushing and enzymes to revitalise the soil.

Distilled water is not always good, especially when growing in soil i would recommend regular water, get a big barrel and fill it up every few days when needed, also place a aquarium pump in it so the water does lay still, this will kill the micro-organisms you find in water (not distilled have these)

But air in-out take is key, a lot of people use a fan to create air movement but you really need fresh air coming in.

Good luck and give us an update on what happened.