whats wrong? 1st timer

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Well-Known Member
That depends on your liking, you can if you'd like
The sun puts out 10,000 lumens per sq ft on a mid summers day,
Cfl's put out about 50/70 lumens per watt.

If its really sunny and your plant needs it, then yes.
If you'd rather keep it indoors, add more cfl's


Well-Known Member
:-? oh well

i dont mind letting it veg i could put it outside sometimes during the day starting tommorrow. or should i wait till i flower it and whats the shortest time i should wait to flower it? thanks 4 all the help jester :peace:
man all i can say is a mild fert id go something like seasol like i said but there are better ones this is merely cheap... a very diluted dose

id try get soe more light to it too andd yes when i thought the time was right id put it outside to flower (not yet) veg longer a plant will doubleto tripple in size once beginning to flower

use that to make a decision to flower also id wait till i could at least see preflowers :) means theyre ready to mature

hope this help man
sorry i had had enough of the computer and the forum was playing up earlier pissed me off



Well-Known Member
put them outside when you want to flower k. nature will do the work for ya. its just gotta have a drop in hours of light to start flower


Well-Known Member
put them outside when you want to flower k. nature will do the work for ya. its just gotta have a drop in hours of light to start flower
i put it outside for like 6 0r 7 hours today on top of a shed.. it looked pretty sunny out and i brought it in and put it bak under the light before it got dark so im not trying to flower it just yet even though i heard with clones you can flower as soon as you buy them.. take a look how is she and should i cut the yellow leaves off??



Well-Known Member
i put it outside for like 6 0r 7 hours today on top of a shed.. it looked pretty sunny out and i brought it in and put it bak under the light before it got dark so im not trying to flower it just yet even though i heard with clones you can flower as soon as you buy them.. take a look how is she and should i cut the yellow leaves off??
Sorry to double post, but no. Don't cut them off, see if they will heal first.
I mean it will divert energy from growing into trying to keep itself healthy, butttttt you won't have to worry about really hurting it, maybe you can still fix it.


Well-Known Member
Sorry to double post, but no. Don't cut them off, see if they will heal first.
I mean it will divert energy from growing into trying to keep itself healthy, butttttt you won't have to worry about really hurting it, maybe you can still fix it.
im not sure i have a choice but i think im going to start turning my light off at night. so i decided tonights the night to switch over from 24 to 12/12 cycle i know its better to veg longer
any predictions about whats gonna happen?
please lemme know what you think cuz this is my first plant, its about 7 inches tall i bought her as a clone 16 days ago :blsmoke::peace:



Well-Known Member
im not sure i have a choice but i think im going to start turning my light off at night. so i decided tonights the night to switch over from 24 to 12/12 cycle i know its better to veg longer
any predictions about whats gonna happen?
please lemme know what you think cuz this is my first plant, its about 7 inches tall i bought her as a clone 16 days ago :blsmoke::peace:
bumpp.. anyone?


Well-Known Member
if u think its nitrogen deficiency then he should make his own

get a bottle, poke a hole in the top enough for decent amount of air to seep through.

fill in up a little under half way full.
Add 1/5 part sugar and 1/5 part yeast.
cover the hole, and shake it up.
homemade nitrogen. anytime you wanna get a puff of it for your plants just shake it up and set it beside them
Where did you hear this? :wall: This is wrong information


Well-Known Member
You asked for advice so here's my humble opinion: You started it in Miracle Grow soil that already has nutes in it. Then you poured more undiluted liquid fertilizer right on top of the young root system (or was it the other way around). The best thing you did was transplant it into organic soil. You may already have enough nutes in the soil for a month or two. Now you're putting it outside and running the risk of attracting bugs.

I'll suggest flushing the soil and giving the plant a couple of weeks to recover. It's been stressed by all the nutes and the transplant, it needs a rest. And the more lights, the better. There's my two cents.


Well-Known Member
im not sure i have a choice but i think im going to start turning my light off at night. so i decided tonights the night to switch over from 24 to 12/12 cycle i know its better to veg longer
any predictions about whats gonna happen?
please lemme know what you think cuz this is my first plant, its about 7 inches tall i bought her as a clone 16 days ago :blsmoke::peace:
The stem and some of the leaves look very healthy, instead of 12/12 try 18/6, its A LOT better for veg.
Though some of the leaves are brown/yellow the rest looks very healthy, try not to over water or underwater. And stop using nutes for awhile.


Well-Known Member
You said "if u think its nitrogen deficiency then he should make his own..." and now you cite a tutorial on making CO2. That's what has me confused.


Well-Known Member
cool im glad its looking pretty good i trimmed those yellow leaves they were goners today shes been sunbathing again and im gonna bring her in the house once its dark. i think shes looking good ill take another picture a little later
and solitice correct me if im wrong but the sun is a pretty good light, lol. thanks for the input:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member

Let me start off by saying that I'm no pro. I still have a lot to learn.

IMHO, this thread is filled with bad advice and misinformation. Strike me down and bury my ass 6' deep if this is not so. I hope someone else chimes in to help me here.

I've already commented on the nutes. Great comment from AcidBurn on the nitrogen, NOT!. You said you just put almost 2l of water in that little pot. I hope you bought a little SCUBA gear for your plant. With the set-up you have, it won't need water for at least a month, if the plant lives that long.

Jester88 sugested putting your plant outside to flower. I don't know where you live, but if it's in the northern hemisphere, you won't see flowers until around October, depending.

I would also like to suggest that if you really want some qualified help, close this thread and open another one in "Newbie Central". There are tons of knowledgable people willing to give the best advice there. They keep an eye out for first timers. You will be doing yourself a favor. (Me, too)

My next comment for you would be to read up a little in this or any other grow forum. The time spent researching issues BEFORE you face them will be paid back 10X. If you had done that already, you would know that one CFL won't get you very far and that you need a little different set-up for flowering.

My apologies if this messgae comes across as a bit harsh. I would truly like nothing more than to see you succeed, but following the advice I have seen in this thread thus far, that is unlikely. If that's what you choose to do, I'll stay subcribed and lurk until you pluck the last dead leaf off your plant.

Best of luck to you and your grow.


Well-Known Member

Let me start off by saying that I'm no pro. I still have a lot to learn.

IMHO, this thread is filled with bad advice and misinformation. Strike me down and bury my ass 6' deep if this is not so. I hope someone else chimes in to help me here.

I've already commented on the nutes. Great comment from AcidBurn on the nitrogen, NOT!. You said you just put almost 2l of water in that little pot. I hope you bought a little SCUBA gear for your plant. With the set-up you have, it won't need water for at least a month, if the plant lives that long.

Jester88 sugested putting your plant outside to flower. I don't know where you live, but if it's in the northern hemisphere, you won't see flowers until around October, depending.

I would also like to suggest that if you really want some qualified help, close this thread and open another one in "Newbie Central". There are tons of knowledgable people willing to give the best advice there. They keep an eye out for first timers. You will be doing yourself a favor. (Me, too)

My next comment for you would be to read up a little in this or any other grow forum. The time spent researching issues BEFORE you face them will be paid back 10X. If you had done that already, you would know that one CFL won't get you very far and that you need a little different set-up for flowering.

My apologies if this messgae comes across as a bit harsh. I would truly like nothing more than to see you succeed, but following the advice I have seen in this thread thus far, that is unlikely. If that's what you choose to do, I'll stay subcribed and lurk until you pluck the last dead leaf off your plant.

Best of luck to you and your grow.
true about the outdoor thing but as long as theres sufficient drop in the amount of hours of light it will flower.....

also you didnt sound harsh bro it was all thrue..

how many hours of light was he getting if 24 it will work any time if 16 theres a good chance as long as the hours of light it gets is lessened enough if 12 you will most likely start growing an outdoor plant.

starting in a kit for veg and flowering outside is my favourite way to grow :)


Well-Known Member
true about the outdoor thing but as long as theres sufficient drop in the amount of hours of light it will flower.....

also you didnt sound harsh bro it was all thrue..

how many hours of light was he getting if 24 it will work any time if 16 theres a good chance as long as the hours of light it gets is lessened enough if 12 you will most likely start growing an outdoor plant.

starting in a kit for veg and flowering outside is my favourite way to grow :)
shes was under 24 hour light


Well-Known Member
true about the outdoor thing but as long as theres sufficient drop in the amount of hours of light it will flower..... True, to a degree.

also you didnt sound harsh bro it was all thrue.. Thanks, sometimes I get on a rant and piss everyone off.

how many hours of light was he getting if 24 it will work any time if 16 theres a good chance as long as the hours of light it gets is lessened enough if 12 you will most likely start growing an outdoor plant. This group of words makes absolutely no sense to me. Try using the "shift" key and other punctuation marks to get your point across a little better to us older folks.

starting in a kit for veg and flowering outside is my favourite way to grow :) That's great for you but he's growing indoors and he made that clear, I thought. I will also ask now if your forte is outdoor growing, what qualifies you to give advice on indoor growing?
I trust that you can read between the lines.


Active Member
Put it on mild nutrients, but not MiracleGrow. HastsGro is a good one from the big box guys. What is the PH of your water? Looks like nutrient lock to me, blocking N. Use botteled water with Hasta until you can verify your PH.
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