What's worse, the coke or the cut


Active Member
As title says, lookin for an answer to that. Same question goes in regards to having to use the bathroom after some lines. Is it the cut or the coke?


Active Member
Well since coke is made with battery acid and gasoline I can't imagine cut getting worse then that but I do agree that most dealers don't give a shit what their custys are snorting. What ever happened to quality.


Well-Known Member
Last coke I did came from a bottle labeled "Cocaine" from Fitizsimons Army Med Center in 1978, I stopped looking for coke in 1980 after my supplier transfered. Everything after that was crap.


Active Member
It's insane how drugs like cocaine and herion were once legal. I like coca every once in a while but I would NOT want that shit legalized. What medicinal purposes did the people think they had.
Coca was pretty much used any where we now use caffeine.
And I don't know about you but cocaine cures pretty much anything ailing me.


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Lactose is a disaccharide sugar that is found most notably in milk and is formed from galactose and glucose. Lactose makes up around 2~8% of milk, although the amount varies among species and individuals. It is extracted from sweet or sour whey. Wikipedia

what we used to use called it milk suger


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Lactose is a disaccharide sugar that is found most notably in milk and is formed from galactose and glucose. Lactose makes up around 2~8% of milk, although the amount varies among species and individuals. It is extracted from sweet or sour whey. Wikipedia

what we used to use called it milk suger
I can't tell if this is a fact about cocaine or some troll about milk?


Active Member
Coca was pretty much used any where we now use caffeine.
And I don't know about you but cocaine cures pretty much anything ailing me.

Jeez thats crazy. I feel you there but it has to be that good good. Straight euphoric feeling no jumpyness or sweats. Hate that shit.


Well-Known Member
Last coke I did came from a bottle labeled "Cocaine" from Fitizsimons Army Med Center in 1978, I stopped looking for coke in 1980 after my supplier transfered. Everything after that was crap.
I actually worked at Fitzsimons in Aurora. It's gone now. It looked old enough that I wondered if Moses had been born there. It was an excellent hospital though.


Well-Known Member
Few years ago I read in New York they were having a problem with face eating coke. Turns out it was cut with dog dewormer. Nuf said


Well-Known Member
The deworming agent is levamisole. Apparently it makes the coke hit harder, it's also generally added to the coke in production countries.
The use of sulfuric acid and nonpolar solvents doesn't effect the toxicity of the coke. They're rinsed out and evaporated long before the coke gets to the consumer. Things like that are used in tons of chemical processes.

The laxative effect does come from laxatives being used to cut coke. Or occasionally from lactose if you're lactose intolerant.


Well-Known Member
That would suck if you were Lactose intolerant and got some coke that was cut with with, and didn't know... I'm sure that happens all the time


Well-Known Member
The deworming agent is levamisole. Apparently it makes the coke hit harder, it's also generally added to the coke in production countries.
The use of sulfuric acid and nonpolar solvents doesn't effect the toxicity of the coke. They're rinsed out and evaporated long before the coke gets to the consumer. Things like that are used in tons of chemical processes.

The laxative effect does come from laxatives being used to cut coke. Or occasionally from lactose if you're lactose intolerant.

the usual cut is manitol. The usual dose of manitol in order to promote a laxaitive effect is in the gram range. It is likely that if you have go to the bathroom it is along the same reasons that you have to go after a cup or two of coffee - the stimulating effect of the substance being used, and not because of the relatively minute quantities of the cut.

I've seen folks rush to the can after having taken what I knew to be a fact to be quite pure - and then they came and complained to me that it must surely have been cut with baby laxative. I commonly threw these people out of my home.


Well-Known Member
even if it's not cut, it still makes you have to take a shit. at least me. but it's the same with most stims that get me excited and speed up your system. I normally feel the shit coming while i'm racking up the first line.... then after I blow the first one... to the bathroom I go. I haven't done any stims in a while now. They aren't my thing. Only had to spend about a million dollars to realize that.

just the thought of coke makes me have to take a shit. brb


Well-Known Member
Yeah, laxatives wouldn't hit that fast.
I've commonly thrown people on coke out of my house. Just not a fan of coke or people on it.


Well-Known Member
i'm the same way. just seeing people on it gives me anxiety. you can sense the edginess, and it's just not fun.

I don't see how people enjoy it so much. the first line is enjoyable for about 20 minutes... then it's all downhill.

people on meth are a lot worse. especially females.