What’s with the crispy tips and purple leaves?


I’ve got a Blueberry Cookies clone from Medicine Man that’s outdoors finishing up at the moment. Some of the leaves are turning purple in spots, and some of the trichome stalks are turning purple. How normal is that? I’m figuring genetics, but I supplement a little extra K just in case.

The other issue I see is some of the fans have crispy tips. It’s only the ones that are dying off already, but I don’t know how normal that is.

Feeding 1/2 cup GreenGro Bloom weekly
With 2 TBL of amino green and hi brix. 30 gallon fabric pot on patio.

Can anyone share some opinions? Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Did you read the feeding amounts? Is this what you're using? https://www.thegreengro.com/product/bloomflower-2-5-5-5-5/

During flowering, apply up to 1 cup of Nature’s Pride Bloom to a 4’x4’ surface area, up to once a week. Apply to damp soil and water in thoroughly following application.

Apply 1 tablespoon as a top dress per gallon of media, once per week.

Thoroughly mix in 2 Tbsp. per gallon of media and water after planting.


Yeah that’s the stuff. Forgot to mention I’m using their Flower Finisher too at 2 TBL a week as well.
Yes I read those directions, but was confused, so I called the rep and he informed me it calls for 1 TBL per gallon of water (i.e. media), and to use about a half cup of of Bloom in my 30 g pot. I water with about 6 gallons of water, which puts me at just under a half cup of Bloom.
I had actually been under feeding them with only 2 TBL of Bloom for the first 3 weeks of flowering, and was showing deficiencies, which is when I stepped up the feeding after talking to the rep. Perhaps it is too much?

If it’s burn from over fertilizing I’ll just cut back a bit, but it didn’t look as extreme as the first time I burned my plants years ago, so not sure.

On a related note, does a plant in its final weeks in flower require less nutrient than during the first month or so of flower?


Well-Known Member
Oh crap. I misread and thought you were in a 3 gallon pot. I know realize that you're in a 30 gallon. But that stuff won't feed your plants right away. It has to break down. At this stage of flower I wouldn't do anything drastic. Maybe a real light feeding of something that the plant can use right now. You could get a liquid organic fertilizer.


Its hungry feed it, wants calcium, mag, nitrogen and iron
Right on, you think the tips can go necrotic from too little nutrient? May I ask for some insider knowledge on how to identify these signs? Maybe I should toss a TBL of Grow into the usual feeding? I have some EJ cal mag too I’ll use, and thier Microblast too.


Well-Known Member
Right on, you think the tips can go necrotic from too little nutrient? May I ask for some insider knowledge on how to identify these signs? Maybe I should toss a TBL of Grow into the usual feeding? I have some EJ cal mag too I’ll use, and thier Microblast too.
Yes and good feed should stop it progressing if your ph isnt outta wack