Whats with all these Anti-Pot Commercials


New Member
oh[/url] lord!...the bad thing is when a kid smokes pot and none of that shit happens to them, then they wonder...what else are they lying to me about?[/quote]
Well, it was put out by the Morons, uhh Mormons. If they put that out, wouldn't it make one wonder about their other contentions, like that Smith guy hob-nobbing with Jesus. Now all those pot smokers that were thinking about voting for Mitt Romney may have second thoughts.


New Member
oh[/url] lord!...the bad thing is when a kid smokes pot and none of that shit happens to them, then they wonder...what else are they lying to me about?
Well, it was put out by the Morons, uhh Mormons. If they put that out, wouldn't it make one wonder about their other contentions, like That Smith guy hob-nobbing with Jesus,[/quote]I always liked the deal with the golden plates...


New Member
They can turn out as many anti-pot commericals as they can and at the end of the day, people are still going to say " I want to see what the big deal is for myself".


New Member
Well, it was put out by the Morons, uhh Mormons. If they put that out, wouldn't it make one wonder about their other contentions, like That Smith guy hob-nobbing with Jesus,
I always liked the deal with the golden plates...[/quote]
Never got that far into it myself. Pretty much just humor them at the door to make them go away.


New Member
I always liked the deal with the golden plates...
Never got that far into it myself. Pretty much just humor them at the door to make them go away.[/quote]

In Latter Day Saint theology, the golden plates (also called the gold plates or in some 19th century literature, the golden Bible)[1] are a set of bound and engraved metal plates from which Joseph Smith, Jr. said he translated the Book of Mormon, one of the sacred Latter Day Saint texts. According to Smith, he discovered the plates on September 22, 1823 on Cumorah hill in Manchester, New York. The plates had been hidden there, he said, in a buried box and protected for centuries by an angel Moroni, an ancient American prophet who had been last to write in the plates. Smith claimed that the angel required him to obey certain commandments prior to receiving the plates, but his repeated failure to obey prevented him from obtaining them until four years later, on September 22, 1827.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
I saw this commercial today.. here is what I want to know, why can the motherfucks have alcohol advertisements yet they have no commercials about rehab, addiction, withdrawl, side effects, death via alcohol.. nor do they tell you about domestic disputes, wife beating, violence in general, or rapes caused via alcohol? Cocksucks.


Active Member
I saw this commercial today.. here is what I want to know, why can the motherfucks have alcohol advertisements yet they have no commercials about rehab, addiction, withdrawl, side effects, death via alcohol.. nor do they tell you about domestic disputes, wife beating, violence in general, or rapes caused via alcohol? Cocksucks.
It's bs. Ppl just haven't been educated about it to know what marijuana actually does to the body and brain. Plus, the government just hates it