What's up with these leaves?


its looks like the plants is suckin up nutrients from the from the leaves, because its in flower. and in turn they are dieing off.
its looks like the plants is suckin up nutrients from the from the leaves, because its in flower. and in turn they are dieing off.
I really really hope this is the case. It is way to far out to take 30 gallons of water to flush. she is about 6 feet and in a 10 gallon.


Well-Known Member
you have 2 nutrient deficiencies. The really yellow leaves and not alot of green is a Nitrogen deficiency and the browning spots is a Phosphorous deficiency. Give them some nutrients.
That is what worries me. they haven't been lacking nuts. I 'HOPE" It is not lock up. she has been getting almost full dose's of fert's. Fox farm tiger bloom. The nitrogen deficiency was from using the 0-6-5 bloom food I had. now have switched to fox farm 2-8-4. going to get PH tester today. My water was tested at my buddies place and it was at 7.1 w/out fert in it. I need to see what it is with fox farm in it. wondering if ph is off. as you can tell LOL! Im new to this. This is my 2nd grow and the first one had no problems ;) this suck. on the other hand my permafrost is very healthy.

water test


Well-Known Member
Many nutes, especially Tiger Bloom are very acidic. I don't ph my water but its a must when feeding. Otherwise that shit is off the scale in the acidic range