What's up RIU fam, indoor growing questions. help?

I was wondering if FFOF and a HTGSupply 150 watt High Pressure Sodium Grow Light or FLORALUX 150w HPS Mini Grow Light would work for an Autoflowering Indoor Closet grow would work? it's not that big of space, 4.5ft length, 2ft wide, & 6ft tall.

-Any comments or tips would really help me in my first grow.


Well-Known Member
i would get a 400 or at least a 250...the 150 will work but soon enough youll realize you want something bigger. good luck!! hope you do a journal
@cacamal: that's what i was gonna go with at first but i realized that's too much on a grow light for my first grow, you know? do you kno of a sight with good prices?