Whats up 1st time grower lots of questions lol

Hey guys its my first time atempting to grow some tasty bud:mrgreen:
now i need some adivce i have some pictures aswell to show you what i am using and plan on using all advice is greatly apreciated.

So far i had germanated the seeds with a wet paper towel but i used tap water is this bad? when the seeds sprouted i put them into the red cups with garden treasure soil. and i watered with tap 3 times before caught some rain water. now did i make my soil to acidic due to the tap water? cause from my understanding now i dunno if im right but acidic soil increases the chances of the lame male lol and slows growth. is that true if so should i replant them in fresh soil again? or should i add dolomite lime? if so how much should i use? the bag i had bought doesnt show a chart.

Now im starting these plants outside my house and the plan is to transplant them in 5gallon pales with a couple of holes at the bottom and dig a hole in the bush and put some rocks at the bottom and then place the gallon pale on top of the rocks. when transplanting the plants i wanted to use that Pots&Plants soil is this a good plan? should i be using diffrent soil? also im not sure when to use or even if i should use the organic plant food and bone meal also how much do i add im totally clueless,also when should i start using my neem oil and from my understanding neem is good for a prevention of investation, is that correct? i also got my hands on omri insecticde just in case. now i seen some mushroom&Cow poop compost should i get that aswell would it be a good investment for me? also when transplantin to the gallon pales do i add lime aswell? i also got that hillview soil booster is that the same as the lime should i use that instead or is it at no use to me? i also bought Kelp Boost is this any use to me? please help me out its my first time growing all advice and ideas would be nice and please be harsh if u have to lol i need to know. k im gonna go blaze pce:eyesmoke: also please tell me if theres any products i should get my hands on and explain how to use if u can



ah well i am new to growing too :)
well tap water is bad because it has chlorine in it so most people leave it in a dark place for a day or two before using it. but if anything use distilled water

trichlone fiend

New Member
...it's suggested to use filtered water to sprout with, however, you should be fine.
...tap water is alkline (normally) not acidic. The water company usually does this to prevent pipe corrosion and such. You actually want your water to be slightly acidic for the important elements to be absorbed. In soil, you need to shoot for a pH of 6.3-6.8 most suggest. Your going to need a good technique to measure your pH to grow,imo. You can buy a liquid pH test kit cheap at the grow store, pet stores, exc...
...you should let your soil dry out before you rewater them. If your going to use tap water, make sure you dechlorinize it by setting it out for 24 hours, a bubble stone helps.
...dolomite lime is typically used to keep pH in check by keeping your pH moving torwards 7, or neutral. You can use 1 tbls per gallon of soil as a top dressing and water in as usual. Dolomite only raises your pH, it will not lower.
...I would think that your soil has dolomite lime in it, I wouldn't add anymore until you check the bag.
...I suggest you simply pH EVERY watering to 6.5, add rapid release dolomite lime every 3 weeks or so.
...Tap water is actually valuable to MJ it provides cal./mag., I'd keep using it while your growing in soil.

Outdoors, I would dig a whole and bury the whole bag of soil. Cut the full top off of the bag from edge to edge (like a grow bag), then poke holes in the bottom. Plant into the top of the bag of soil and cover the top layer with the native soil/rocks.

When you start to see preflowers, start adding fertilizer high in Phosphorus. Happy growing.