Whats uo with my leaf.

dr green dre

Well-Known Member

Any body know what this is.. I think it may be to much co2 as i made one of those diy jobs..Any help anyone..:-?


Active Member
I really doubt you would have given yourself a CO2 burn with a DIY system. If you are still in veg that looks like a phosphorus deficiency.

dr green dre

Well-Known Member
I really doubt you would have given yourself a CO2 burn with a DIY system. If you are still in veg that looks like a phosphorus deficiency.
alright thalboy.. its 3wks into flower..how would i get a phosphorus deficiency? thanks for your comments..


Active Member
You have three macro nutrients, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium. Phosphorus is used for root development and aids in blooming. Since you are three weeks into flowering your plant is likely beginning to flower. Those flowers are going to use all the phosphorus they need and if you run out than you'll get a deficiency. I'm not sure if that is phosphorus deficiency in flower however, that tends to yellow and then curl the leaves.

I looked over my resources again and it still looks like a Phosphorus deficiency to me.

Try a 0-5-0 guano in a tea.

dr green dre

Well-Known Member
nice one..going to look into that , i was supposed to by some bat gauno but they ran out ..Its on the weeks shoping list ..thanks for the input..

If any body else thinks different plz comment..