What's this??


Hello friends, anybody have any idea what this is?
The pics are 20x magnified fan leaf tip, top and bottom sides. I noticed a small brown spot on the leaf tip and pinched it off and examined it more closely.
Plant is in week 6 of flower after a brief 4.5 week veg and no other evidence of spots or bugs to be found. Plant seems healthy and swelling up nicely...yellow stickies hanging in the grow room and clean.
Thoughts? Experience? Opinions?



Well-Known Member
Hmm I'd like to know just incase I come across this one day , was gonna say some type of bug but I honestly got no clue hah


I only grow one plant at a time for my own consumption so I usually keep 'em small and spend a ton of time fussing over my "vegetable GFs" ....as my wife calls these short lived relationships I have with young ladies upstairs.
I did an extensive exam over the rest of the plant and couldn't find anymore so I don't think it's an issue...but I sure would like to know what it is (was.)