What's this seedling in my weed? (How) should I remove it? [pics, first grow]


The plant is about 2 weeks old. A small seedling just popped up next to it (see the bottom of pic).

This does not seem to be cannabis. Where could this have come from? I only planted about 6 seeds in this pot and all sprouted. I put them in separate pots a week ago.

This seedling popped out 3 days ago.
Should I want to see if it is cannabis? Should I just remove/kill it? What is the best way to kill without stressing the plant?

jessy koons

New Member
Pinch it out with your thumb and fore finger or wait 'till it gets a little bigger to see what it is then pinch it out.


Active Member
The cotyledon leaves are far too round for it to be cannabis also why would another plant show up if you only planted one seed and that plant is far way mature destroy it as it will use any nutrients that can be given the cannabis plant instead.