What's the worst thing you've witnessed someone do, but did nothing about?(or did)

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
For me, i was skipping school one day walking on train tracks, i saw a homeless man getting the shit beaten out of him by 2 other men, i kinda froze up and just ran, i was around 11-12 at the time. kinda stuck with me for a few weeks.


Well-Known Member
One time I saw a friend drown but I was too far away to help, there was anther man that could have helped.

I've been waiting for this moment for all my life, Can you you feel it coming in the air tonight oh lord, I can feel it in the air tonight oh lord.


Well-Known Member
Watched a guy throw a burlap sack full of cats off a water tower. Hell, I wasn't climbing up there. He did end up getting charged for it tho, his sister ratted him out because her cat was one of the victims.



Well-Known Member
I would have to caution against trying to "do something" yourself about domestic violence. Unless someone's life is in immediate danger, or it is in your home, or someone you know exceptionally well, this is how it will play out...

Man starts handlnig woman, you tell him to stop, he says "fuck off" and goes back to fighting with her. You try to stop him and are now in a fight with him. While you are fighting with him, his girlfriend starts hitting you. Now you are fighting both of them. EVERY time.

I was a bouncer for years and stopped a bazillion fights. DV is for the guys getting paid, and have the law on their side.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I would have to caution against trying to "do something" yourself about domestic violence. Unless someone's life is in immediate danger, or it is in your home, or someone you know exceptionally well, this is how it will play out...

Man starts handlnig woman, you tell him to stop, he says "fuck off" and goes back to fighting with her. You try to stop him and are now in a fight with him. While you are fighting with him, his girlfriend starts hitting you. Now you are fighting both of them. EVERY time.

I was a bouncer for years and stopped a bazillion fights. DV is for the guys getting paid, and have the law on their side.
I wouldn't get involved in a bar fight lol. That's their own dumbass fault.


Well-Known Member
In the military, saw a guy get run over in haiti... Obviously he had a lung punctured and all we could do is watch him drown in his own blood :(

meechz 024

Active Member
Saw a kid on his bike come out of nowhere onto the road and ahead of a driver...... Wearing all black clothes middle of the night. I saw his eyes moving in front of the car, thats all. Eventually the driver hits him as I am looking in my rear view. It wasn't a bad accident but people pulled over n shit to help him....i didn't

The kid deserved it, I was too stoned, had weight on me so I said fuck it, not pulling over to help. If the kid didn't speed onto the road in front of a car with a fucking bike I might of had symopthy. That's not a mistake, just fucking stupidity.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
It was an unusually warm fall evening. I had just gotten a call from a buddy. He had just landed an excellent job and was throwing a party; everyone was coming. There would be burgers, ribs, beer, and of course some mj in both herb and brownie form. There was also an array of other illegal narcotics. I didn't really bother too much with the harder stuff, and there was no real hard stuff, just some cocaine, speed, pain pills.

I got along good with most people there and it wasn't long before I was being offered some pills and cocaine. I resisted at first, being content with my brownie, a few joints, and a few beers. After a couple hours I was getting pretty bogged down. It was still pretty early, but the brownie and 6 beers were starting to kick my ass, so I decided to kick back with a few lines of coke. A few snorts and I was back up in the conga line. It was a sunday though, so we got started pretty early, and were pretty burnt out before it got really late.

When the party finally winded down it was time to go home. My buddy tried to take my keys and offered me a bed to stay in, but I declined. I just can't seem to settle down and get comfortable at someone elses house. If I packed my bags and was planning a trip then I am fine, but as an impromptu drunken hotel...i'm just not able to relax. If I can just make it 10 miles home I will have my own bed and my own tv. And the biggest factor, I won't have to do it in the morning, so I can relax. If I am somewhere else I feel like I have to get home before I can fully relax.

So I head out the door to make that 10 mile journey at about 2am. Immediately after pulling out I realize this is a mistake. I had slight double vision so i had to do the pirate eye back home. I tried to keep mostly to side streets, but there is a fairly major road I needed to take for about 2 miles before I could begin meandering down side streets again. About a mile down the road and BAM I hit a pedestrian. I swerved to the left, then back to the right. I could see the person laying in the street in my rear view. I knew if I stopped to help that the police would follow shortly and I knew I would have gone to jail. Besides hitting the pedestrian I was also drunk, high, on numerous other drugs, and operating an automobile. So I continued home. I was so drunk I had actually forgotten about the pedestrian.

The next day I woke up and saw that my right front fender was dented, then I remembered what happened. I went back to the scene but by that time everything was gone. I called my buddy that does body repair and had him fix my car off the books, so there was no insurance claim and also no paper work to tie me to an accident. I needed it fixed - I couldn't drive around with a large pedestrian shaped dent on my car. I just told him I had hit a deer and wanted it fixed without involving my insurance company or filing a police report.

I never told anyone about the incident. About a week later I was watching the news and saw that police were looking for information about a fatal hit and run on the same stretch of road, on the same night. I thought it was a crazy coincidence, and it took a full 10-15 seconds to actually sink in and hit me. When it did it hit me like a ton of bricks. I felt sick to my stomach. My appetite decreased. I was scared. I was paranoid. I was freaked out for a couple weeks at least. After a couple weeks though things started to settle down. They obviously had no leads and no way to connect me to the crime - or even suspect I was involved. A few more weeks went by and I was able to fully let my guard down and resume life as normal.

That was almost 3 years ago, and to this day I still won't drive when i'm drunk. I drive stoned, but not drunk.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Many many moons ago I dry watched in southern Colorado. (We were guarding construction equipment on site). My best bud and I would take a camper out to the remote area and study all night. Great job for college. Good pay with very little to do. He lived closer to the college than I did so we would go home (worked from 3-10) to his house and I would crash there during the week. My friend was a gymnast and diver and did stints as a lifeguard for years. He was fully certified in first aid and resuscitation. He even taught the class for awhile. One morning I woke to a woman screaming and banging on my friend's front door. I ran to the door and a woman was holding a child that wasn't breathing. I immediately began trying to revive her. I worked on her for 5 minutes until the EMT's arrived. In the meantime she went into convulsions and ended up biting a hole through my bottom lip.

To condense this, she died three days later. She was 5 years old. She was epileptic and went into a seizure that caused her larynx to collapse. I attended her funeral and the EMT's made me sit with them.

During this whole ordeal my "best bud" never came out of his room. He was awake and fully aware of the situation but didn't want to "deal with it". Our friendship ended soon after that.

I still have the scar on my lip:

I'd rather live knowing I tried than deal with a lifetime of regrets.


Well-Known Member
I would probably delete that post Guy incognito ...no statutes on that ride home ...good story tho....Carnegie...your buddy is a huge asshole.