• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

what's the worst thing that has happened to you as a direct result of smoking weed?


Active Member
Severe panic attack and anxiety attacks... I mean literally feeling like I was about to die, curled up in a ball asking god to forgive my sins and telling my friends to call 911.
U should be careful. Marijuana can cause phycosis to a small percent of people.
Ive seen it change a mormon girl that was very ambitious and had a great job finished hs earky wasin college and when she first smoked pot she loved it. She wasthe giggily type that never shut up when high but she always wanted to smoke. So i stopped kickin it with her for a couple months. She lived down the street and one night came ver t 2 am without a invite she rang and knocked for 10 min until i made my friend tell her i wasnt home. After that she still tried walking in my house aftr my buddy slammed the door on her while she claimed "shes in the right state of mind"
Anywho a couple weeks later i found out she was checked into a mental hospital. Shenever acted right after she smoked pot. She just acted like her personallity changed completly. Nkw idk if this would have happend even if she didnt smoke but i do kno she was no longer the same girl even after being clean. Kinda rambled but u get the jist. Just be carful and do sum research


Active Member
Cut my thumb open puting a hole in my dogs coller with a knife now i have no feeling down the side of my thumb fukin stoner moment lol or just a dumb fuk ?


Well-Known Member
Cut my thumb open puting a hole in my dogs coller with a knife now i have no feeling down the side of my thumb fukin stoner moment lol or just a dumb fuk ?
I do stuff like that whether I am high or not...
So a lot of things I have a hard time blaming on the toking.
Like when I walk into a room and then say, what did I come in here for? Or have you seen my cell phone while I am talking on it or something.


Active Member
No beleave me it was the stone that did it coz if i could have been arsed geting up i would have gotten my leather punch but the knife was at hand and not a very clean one at that rusty as fook had to go to hospital for that shit.


Active Member
i hope this is your attempt at sarcasm and im misunderstanding you.

if thats the case ignore the rest of this post lol.

if not...then this is exactly how i want to spend my 1,000th post...


i am so so so so SOOOOOO SO tired of defending this topic. I'll have you know that im currently in college maintaining a 3.8 GPA and i havent gone a day without (not a single 1) smoking marijuana in a good 5 solid years (well before i got in college) and ive smoked 10 years all together.

I have to read the most boring books on the face of the earth and take tests and finals and i do it while high (most of the time but not all the time).

My big beef is your typical non-smoker assumes that mj kills your brain cells and makes you an ignorant, giggly vegetable of a human being and people like yourself add fuel to their fire.

i really thought the last place id have to make this defense is on an mj forum (smh).

granted being high can lead to minor fuk ups and what not (forgetting this or that etc) but it doesnt alter or chip away at your level of intelligence like many misinformed persons assume and we all know what happens when you assume...
Will have to say you my be misinformed as some strains do make you lazzy where as some give you an up lifting high.


Well-Known Member
Yes, I mean it. I honestly answered a question...that ok with you? I'm glad your very driven, and I hope your a great success. I spent my time and energy getting high and selling drugs. I have an addictive personality, and it didn't mesh well with being successful for me. Most stoners I know are not driven, that is my personal belief, and I'm much older then you, so I've seen more than you.

And this is a medical marijuana forum, which I use for medical purposes, exclusivly and legally in my State. It's also a growing forum, and I've been doing that since before you were an itch in your daddy's pants jr.

Contrats on your 1000th. Too bad you wasted it pissing me off. Go do something productive.
no...just no.

i have an addictive personality..just like u.
i spent plenty of time getting insanely high for no good reason and i at one point did sell copious amount of marijuana (illegally) for a solid 5-6 yrs.
i almost dropped out of high school. at one point my gpa was 0.65. partly due to cutting school to get high and sell bud.

stoners are driven. allow me to introduce you to richard branson. he openly admitted he smokes marijuana...even sharing joints with his son. he's possibly one of the richest mj users in the world. not driven...ok. steve jobs was known to use marijuana. several rich and famous folks use marijuana.

marijuana does NOT = stoners sitting on a couch wasting away their lives watching tv.

someone who would sit on the couch and waste away their life would have done so without marijuana.

also, because youre older than me doesn't mean anything and im not a young kid...i went back to college after all my h.s. class graduated college. so how foolish are you for assuming im some 18-20 yr old kid in college.

the reason you're lazy is because thats what you simply are. dont blame marijuana for you selling yourself short. its called getting up and putting your big boy pants on and acting like an adult instead of striving for mediocrity. say it with me me-di-oc-ri-ty[FONT=arial, sans-serif].
all the tools for success are at your fingertips..

Will have to say you my be misinformed as some strains do make you lazzy where as some give you an up lifting high.
true that but you'd have to be a bit ignorant to smoke a heavy indica during the day then be upset that you're being lazy. either dont smoke indica during the day or fight the couchlock. i avoid indica during the day all together whenever possible (i usually from sativas 4:1 since i only use indicas at night ill consume much more sativa lol)


Active Member
i hope this is your attempt at sarcasm and im misunderstanding you.

if thats the case ignore the rest of this post lol.

if not...then this is exactly how i want to spend my 1,000th post...


i am so so so so SOOOOOO SO tired of defending this topic. I'll have you know that im currently in college maintaining a 3.8 GPA and i havent gone a day without (not a single 1) smoking marijuana in a good 5 solid years (well before i got in college) and ive smoked 10 years all together.

I have to read the most boring books on the face of the earth and take tests and finals and i do it while high (most of the time but not all the time).

My big beef is your typical non-smoker assumes that mj kills your brain cells and makes you an ignorant, giggly vegetable of a human being and people like yourself add fuel to their fire.

i really thought the last place id have to make this defense is on an mj forum (smh).

granted being high can lead to minor fuk ups and what not (forgetting this or that etc) but it doesnt alter or chip away at your level of intelligence like many misinformed persons assume and we all know what happens when you assume...
i'll just put my opinion out there .. u cant defend cannabis to the point where theres absolutely no possible issues with it. the fact is, the effects of weed often contribute to lack of motivation. thats the truth. though i agree the plus side of weed is much much much higher then the negatives, u have to be real.

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
Marijuana has never stifled my motivation, it has made me less able to stay on task if I smoke too much, but just enough weed gives me greater stamina... It's a balance thing, the difference between smoking enough marijuana to have fun and push through tedium or smoking until I'm sitting down watching anime...


Well-Known Member
i'll just put my opinion out there .. u cant defend cannabis to the point where theres absolutely no possible issues with it. the fact is, the effects of weed often contribute to lack of motivation. thats the truth. though i agree the plus side of weed is much much much higher then the negatives, u have to be real.
i think the effects of marijuana are not very severe at all. i smoked 10 years and i gotta admit beyond the occasional panic attack i haven't experienced anything negative when it comes to marijuana. It never hurt my motivation. sure WHILE im high i may not be motivated to do much (especially if its indica or i smoked too much) but the second im sober im ready to make it happen.

Also i cant name the number of times ive been high AND been working all at the same time. ive taken my tests/exams high. written essays high. read my textbooks/assignments high...and my gpa is 3.8. you'd think if marijuana hurt my motivation i'd drop out or shoot for c's instead of a's.

ive also done a lot of hard physical labor while high. yard work. chopping down trees, watering my mj plants, driving a car, even having a full on workout (weight lifting/cardio) all while high.

it irritates me that people blame marijuana for being a failure. thats not the truth and its exactly the type of excuses the gov't would like to use to keep marijuana illegal. i think if marijuana became legal tomorrow that unemployment rates would stay the same. its not like all the sudden 1/3 of america is gonna sit indoors all day and be couch potatoes.

how many people smoke marijuana? many are avg everyday working citizens who you'd never suspect of using marijuana. why? because marijuana doesnt make you a loser. if you're a loser you were one before you got high.

Marijuana has never stifled my motivation, it has made me less able to stay on task if I smoke too much, but just enough weed gives me greater stamina... It's a balance thing, the difference between smoking enough marijuana to have fun and push through tedium or smoking until I'm sitting down watching anime...
this is my point. you CAN smoke yourself to the point of sleeping or being stuck on a couch. it happens. same thing with if you have a beer or two or kill a 12 pack to yourself. however there are people who kill 12 packs from time to time who go on to be wildly successful and stay motivated on their path to do so....and theres people who kill 12 packs who end up homeless washing windows at a gas station: motivation. i took offense when that poster said they didnt have motivation because of mj. thats saying stoners are lazy underachieves who have no motivation to accomplish things.


Well-Known Member
I truely belive that starting smoking heavily at 14 all the way till now caused me to give up on education and finishing college. It was a shock I finished high school with an ok grade point average. I was too lazy to do homework and it followed me to college and more of the same. I wish I haden't gotten into honestly, but such is life.
dont blame weed for your lazy ass. ambition doesn't disappear. ive smoked HEAVY since 15 and i feel more motivated with every toke.

get control of your life and stop making excuses.


Well-Known Member
dont blame weed for your lazy ass. ambition doesn't disappear. ive smoked HEAVY since 15 and i feel more motivated with every toke.

get control of your life and stop making excuses.
good to have more backup in the thread.

blaming marijuana for your failures is just a cop out.


Well-Known Member
dis one tyme
smoking at hi skool gf house
try to sit down cuz i feel light headed
lose consciousness four a second
miss chare
her family be like wtf is wrong wit u
nothing you gays are fucked up
5 minutes later
standing up again
pass out
smack face on the top of couch
wake up
her dad has his hand in my mouth

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
haha what?^^ i think the worst thing was in hs i was with some friends and we were really high. we went to the donut store for them. they were so high that they just started laughing which made me laugh so i went to sit down and they follow me and sit. were sitting laughing and the asians behind the counter start talking and that makes us laugh even harder. must of been a great story for the asian people haha but it has also gotten me arrested twice which was not any good.


Well-Known Member
Last night I ate 4 bags of ramen in one sitting, then when I woke up in the morning to stomach pains couldn't remember why, then when I remembered I laughed so hard I had terrible hiccups for a good 3 hours