whats the pwoblem


Well-Known Member
after looking at the chart and giving up to solve the problem i gave in to see what you guys think my water supply has lots of calcium and i think that my be the problem ph too high may i havent checkd since my meter broke.. other than that its growing fine sets of 9 may i add, but they are cruling upwards and slight yellowish wierd and thick



Well-Known Member
been out of the loop for a long time but i'll go with some over fert so plain water and clean. ck the ph and after a week or two 1/8 of you fert is good.


Well-Known Member
thanx i feel like the nutrients locked i was thinking of adding some humic acid to regulate , soo you think its a over fert prob????? is that what over feeding your plant looks like ????they said the big bang was sensetive

tea tree

Well-Known Member
dude that is either too much heat or too much water. I wud say yuze tell me what else yu got in yur setup, like lights, heat and medium. But I am thinking that is obvious heat. If yuze dont suck post sum stats. Curly leaves mean heat or too much water in hydro can wack that shit funny. POST>


Well-Known Member
2 150 hps it gets up too 80 at the most 60 70 % humidity i take out side when conditions are good 60 to 80 degress


Well-Known Member
i reused the organic meduim from my last grow our water has lots of calcium i can tell cuz i have a swamp cooler maybe my ph is way too high what do you guys think????