What's the problem? Help!

ii dP ii

I'm under about 400w of cfl, in ffof soil using ff nutes 1tsp mixed with a half gal of water once every third water. I started these outside so the possibility of bugs is there, but I don't see any creepy crawlies. Temps are low 80s lights on. Humidity is 50% all day.

Edges are crispy, a few holes (bugs?) just looking generally sad. I took this before I watered them today so that adds to it I'm sure...



Well-Known Member
Looks like you over fertilized your stuff. FFOF does't need fertie added for at least three weeks. You might want to flush those plants out with water. Get some dolomite lime, make sure it is dolomite though, and give some lime with your flush water if you can get a hold of it.

PS. I don't know what's wrong with those two guys, come on your thread to be some prudes but offer no advice.


Well-Known Member
Spam spam....
i'm under about 400w of cfl, in ffof soil using ff nutes 1tsp mixed with a half gal of water once every third water. I started these outside so the possibility of bugs is there, but i don't see any creepy crawlies. Temps are low 80s lights on. Humidity is 50% all day.

Edges are crispy, a few holes (bugs?) just looking generally sad. I took this before i watered them today so that adds to it i'm sure...


ii dP ii

goddammit. I am not a spam bot. I refuse to use photobucket because I'm paranoid. is there an anonymous photo hosting site anywhere that doesn't have this fucking porn shit on it?

and also, I forgot to mention, these plants are probably closer to 8 weeks old. slow starters. I didn't feed them until at least week 5. it's LST'd to the side of the pot, that's why it's so short.

heres a pic with no link. I'll use this site from now on.... this pic is a few days older though. you can still clearly see the brown crispy edges though.



Active Member
Stop being such prudes and help the guy!
I dont have a fcking clue dude..."I" would flush...

ii dP ii

well I've decided to skip the nutes for at least a few waters. I guess I'll flush too. really the thing that worries me is the holes in the leaves, I am thinking some kind of caterpillar or something? but I don't see anything like I said.


Well-Known Member
Not being a prude, just dont like being fucked with by spammers. I clicked on his picture and it popped up a pile of porn sites on my phone...

Now I see that the poor dude is the spammee (huh?) not the spammer. Life goes on.

It looks to me like you are overwatering. A lot.


Well-Known Member
Over fertilized is hinted by the dark green color of foliage. The holes are necrosis caused by nute burn. On top of that it looks to be over-watered as well. Maybe let her dry out before flushing again.