What's the most I can grow in a 15x10x7(feet) tent?


In perfect conditions, all variables taken care of properly, with a lot of experience, and a long veg time (total time 3 or 4 month grow start to finish) What's the most you can conceivably harvest? (dry)

Btw I'm guessing it's a little more then bout a pound :P, thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
2oz per sq ft would be a great yield under ideal conditions. If you filled the entire space with enough light and didnt need room for working or equipment you could yield 300 oz


2oz per sq ft would be a great yield under ideal conditions. If you filled the entire space with enough light and didnt need room for working or equipment you could yield 300 oz
Sorry if I am mistaken but I read that SoG grows can accomplish 1-2 oz per sq feet, but they harvest every 2weeks-1 month so the total amount per 4 month period ends up being more. If I did not do that and just grew regular style, would it not be possible to achieve at least a lb per plant? And there must be a way to fit more then 18-19 plants in the 15x10 space. Again sorry if I am incorrect with my information, im a newbie :oops:


Well-Known Member
If sog is harvesting every two weeks , then they are only harvesting 1/4 of the plants. It takes 8/9 weeks to flower. The total harvested per flowering period is not based on number of plants. Just light and space. 2 oz per sq ft is a lofty goal. That is two pounds per 4x4 tray.

As a newbie start small. You are complaining that yoyr first planned grow wont be above 18 lbs? You are much more likely to not hit 10 if you went full bore on this. Shit with 10 x hps 1000w you are likely to screw something up first run.