whats the most common way of gettin caught


Well-Known Member
Obviously telling someone is the biggest mistake a grower could make.

Which is fine until you factor in the significant other.

At the risk of coming off like a chauvinist, the only secrets a woman in a relationship will tolerate are her own secrets.

Meaning she will find out eventually.

And there is nothing more dangerous than a pissed off woman who knows all the details of your grow operation.


So what is the chronological order of things after somebody snitches on a grow?

Does LE even usually follow up on a tip off if it's not a big operation?

Does the LE need more proof than a simple tip off from a crazy ex to get a warrant to run up in your house?
Just seems like a he said she said thing would just be a waste of their time if the snitchee didn't have some kind of proof other than their word.

The only people that know about my grow is my best friend (room mate), his ex GF who was staying with us untill recently(breakup), and the guy I have been buying from for over a year consistantly. Whent to school with him from elementary school up.
I kinda had to tell him because he may very well fill the Ex's spot in the house.
Plus I can cover all expenses for the grow by just selling a 1/4 ounce or so to him for personal use if everything turns out nice. Teach him how to grow or somethin.

buddy thats way 2 many people... you better quit while you are ahead.