
Well-Known Member
I agree with you. Some people like to hype up whatever they took to make it sound more hardcore i guess. Longest, non-speed, roll I've had lasted probably 5 hours, maybe slightly less. And I think even 8 hours trippin on shrooms is kinda pushin it. 12 is absolutely ridiculous.


Active Member
when my boi got off papers after being on for six years we had a freedom party for him and i ate 1 black gel tab, and 20 hits of some supre sick liquid acid and 2 blotter hits of some real mean DOB. and i know i tripped for 29hrs solid. i was tripping so long and i was so hungry i ate over a pound of cold shreaded steak. lol

thats was about three years ago, and it was the best trip i ever had :)


Well-Known Member
That's such seinfeld humor CrackerJAX... love it ;)

So CASPER you basically eat a sheet of acid and a couple sloths of DOB... your mind must of been running more than CHEVY PICKUP on NOS!


Active Member
gonna be doing it again this weekend... well not to that extent but we are getting some liquid (hopefully, im keeping my fingers crossed :)) if not just gonna eat a handfull of some tabs and smoke out with some hash :)


New Member
I took my extended family on a sailing trip a few years back down in the keys....as we were outside the marina store waiting on my in laws.... my nephew was running below myself and my buddy near the boats. I see this lady from only a bird's view walking down the long ramp...just walking mind you, and she loses her balance because of the not so steep incline and goes down like a ton of bricks. Just as I was going to comment about the ladies grace and sense of balance, she looks up at us...... it was my wife. :lol:

I call her "Grace" to this day.


Well-Known Member
Easy does it CASPER... dont over indulge... but what I am saying? You probably know your own body and mind... your very familiar with the psychedelic spectrum of things and how to combat certain "evils" that lurk at high dose lsd trips... but combining DOB is another story.. I would hate to imagine the long and strenous comedown of such a mind patroller!


Active Member
Easy does it CASPER... dont over indulge... but what I am saying? You probably know your own body and mind... your very familiar with the psychedelic spectrum of things and how to combat certain "evils" that lurk at high dose lsd trips... but combining DOB is another story.. I would hate to imagine the long and strenous comedown of such a mind patroller!

yes it is true. i do know myself very well regarding to that. but to tell you the truth around the last two or three hours of tripping i was really ready to stop... kinda started wondering if i would ever stop tripping that night lol, but shortly after that i passed out and work up the next day feeling fine... well other than the DOB still kicking around in my body, the come down on the DOB was not really noticeable due to the other chems. in my system. but i could feel it the next day, lol, felt like i went swimming in gas, just real dirty feeling all day. but that was the last time i took DOB... very evil stuff, FUN... but really strong and not for the timid... or the smart. lol


Well-Known Member
Yeah, DOB is some evil, but fun stuff. Made me crazy one time, took a few hours for me to get my head back on straight. I've known people who have had to go to the hospital from that stuff too. Definately not for the timid at all. I love the chem, just not the duration.


Well-Known Member
I must have led an extremely sheltered life as I have no clue what 90% of the stuff is you guys are talking about :P

Tried acid and shrooms as a kid and didn't think much. Shrooms were ok cos all I did was laugh my face off for about a day straight! Someone gave me a joint laced with mescaline once and that frightened the shit out of me!

I never like weed much as a kid and bought into the whole "it's really bad for you" crap until 2.5 years ago when a kind enough friend was good enough to not just tell me all the bullshit about it was exactly that but helped me find enough documentaries and other information on it so I could decide for myself! Now of course I love the stuff and find it really helps with OCD, depression and ADHD.

And.. here I am :P


Well-Known Member
Hmmmm... mescaline with cannabis... I never knew of such a concoction.... do you mind sharing... lols?

Dude, you will never find a mixture of mescaline with buddha... its chemically impossible... you my friend have been hit by the super kool train! That is PCP!


Well-Known Member
You mean the bud was laced with good old cocaiine... if that was the case... I'd think he'll like the results ;)

A coca-puff! Im indulging in blow at the moment ;)


Well-Known Member
Therefore you saying that its possible for marijuana to be laced with mescaline... but the more important question will it be chemically active in humans?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, mescaline can't be smoked. Heat destroys the chemical making it pointless to smoke. Plus, smoking phenethylamines are extremely bad for the lungs. Nobody in their right mind would waste mescaline like this. I'm going with ndanger and saying it was PCP.
I could maybe believe that it could be vaporized, but still, extreme lung irritation.