What's the latest you've waited to see sex?


Active Member
Damn 4 real lol I was expecting to see something immediately those r my noob instincts kicking in lmao. Thanks for the info


Active Member
5-10 days is most common in a mature plant. My Neville's Haze seed took about 3 weeks to show, it was matured and vegged for 5 weeks..


Active Member
Damn... Ya this is my 1st in flowering mode and having a good feeling they are female :) so just hoping n praying


Active Member
I never flower until there's pom poms all over her..but in most cases a fortnight should be around right mostly.

^^ he means pre-flowers.. lol a "mature" plant will often show these under 18-24 hours of light after about 2-4+ weeks in veg.


Well-Known Member
Had you went 12/12 from seed, you would have known their sex in 21-25 days. Hope you get girls, because if you don't, what a waste of time.