Well-Known Member
There's a whole thread dedicated to this...
haaahaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaa..........that is buddy from idaho taught me about knifers about 15 years ago with some alaskan thunderfuck.....just like a vaporizer.......just a whole lot more ghettowell this may sound like a tweaker thing but it works if u dont got enuff for a joint or a bong rip. its called Knife hits get two knives red hot then you ball up a lil ball of weed and u smash the weed between the two knives and suck the smoke through a straw
im not jokin, smoek crack its better for everyone involved
if anyone does smoke crack from seeing these posts, they deserve to be ruined by it
I just happen to have a Patron bottle laying around. Sounds like I'm making a new toy soon. How'd you make drain holes without cracking the glass?check my link in my sig, the homemade filitered gravity bong i made. Only way i smoke now and it gets you riiiiiiped. All glass, with a goodstash downstem and a goodstash diffusion ball, oh and a Patron bottle lol.
GRAV-IT-E-BAWNG!!! That's all I have to say about getting ripped as shit. It's all that needs to be said.You should invest in a "bucket", or just make a gravity bong!
Works best with an electric stove.. Take 2 table knives stick them in between the elements and turn that baby up get them knives good and hot.....Take one knife, touch it to the piece of bud, if they are hot enough, it will stick to the knife.(By the way this is really a 2 person operation)Whoever is taking the hit takes the empty pop bottle, paper towel tube, whatever, press the 2 knives together and watch it smoke.........Beeeeeautifuuuuuuuul hit...yo
what r knifes
Just a couple weeks ago I made the big mistake of doing a gravity bong with reeeaaallly nice leb slate, I must have spread into the gauze about 9 or 10 times.... and used a 3l soda bottle as a chamber...Gravity bong is sure to kill...