whats the earliest you can make your plants flower


Well-Known Member
Humm, 8-12 weeks pre flower? you can tell sex in about 1 week of starting your 12/12 flower cycle why the hell would you wast the space and lights growing males with your females? if you are waiting that long to sex your plants, Then yes dude, you are saying for 2 to 3 months (8-12 weeks) you are growing males with your females, WHY?
I think you need to go back to growing 101 my friend, and please, if you don't know wtf your talking about you should not post in help threads. again read what he is asking, ie "when can you start flowering". and the answer is, "As soon as you see the first leaves spout.":finger: (JK)
Did you even read my post???? The whole point of what I do is to NOT grow males with my females, ever. Before you jump on someone else and tell me to go back to growing 101 maybe you should learn what the fuck you are talking about. My method does fine for me. And as far as telling me to read his post, I did and answered it so GFY. males never flower with my females so get a clue.
I dont need your novice advice on how to grow.
And btw you said to this guy that MG is good for now, yet you tell me to go back to 101. 14 year old kids use their moms MG growing bagseed. Theres a loss of all credibility, and dont hijack other peoples threads to make yourself sound smart and attack others. Im out of this thread, if you wanna learn than mybe an attitude change is needed, attacking others methods will get you nowhere, not all do the same.
hey whats up.i just started growing two plants in my closet its pretty big but im not useing it really im useing a 5 gallon tob with tinfoil raped all in side.i already have my plants at 1 1/2 in 5 days they are growing fast.i just need to know how do i flower them once i get em 12 inches?is there a certain kind of light that i need to flower them?im useing just one helical 26w 120vac 60Hz 370mA fle26HT3/2/XL/SW and its workin great.but i dont think that thats what i need to flower them...so will someone plzz tell me..


Well-Known Member
A good rule of thumb to follow is 12 inches. You can normally flower them when they veg at 12 inches. I veg mine for a long time. but I got the space and time.