Whats the difference between plastic & metal extractor fans


Well-Known Member
Couldn't find a plastic fan but to be honest, they don't sound like a great idea. I'd go with a metal one.


Well-Known Member
Couldn't find a plastic fan but to be honest, they don't sound like a great idea. I'd go with a metal one.
The RVK model (white plastic) are the plastic ones, al my fans are plastic & run perfectly well & because they are plastic they're not to heavy to hang however Im planning on a larger grow op so was wondering if there are any benefits with the metal models. Thanks for you input anyone else with opinions?


Well-Known Member
metal is metal and plastic is plastic.. really thats about the extent of the difference.. maybe the metal fans are more durable over time or push more air?? neither of which really make any sense... so ill stick with the basic idea that its just the materials they are made with that is the difference in them..