What's the deal with Exotic weed?

When I was in grad school, a neighboring subsidized hovel had a goose and four goslings,
Every single day they were arranged in a new manner.
Some folks are strange.

My dad has a neighbor who has a Bowling Ball Pyramid.

Most often they are stacked in a pyramid. sometimes they are scattered across the yard. Not exactly in a pattern
but somehow a little more than random drops.

Not a pic of his Balls but eerily similar.
See the source image
Here's something you clowns might be able to answer correctly. What's the deal with so called exotic weed? I've never seen 'exotic weed' available for purchase on the street and my dispensaries do not use Exotic as a marketing term.

What qualifies as Exotic to the black market buyer?
If I had to guess ....strains like Frisian Duck, which doesn't look like any cannabis probably qualifies