Whats the coolest thing youve made to smoke?

Ramen Shaman

Well-Known Member
Made one once out of three giant wine bottles and an energy drink bottle for ash. Surprisingly smooth hit, filled one wine bottle with water, the next with ice, and the third with warm water. Beautiful.


Well-Known Member
Used a test tube as a vaporizer haha, anyone got any links on how to make a multi chamberbong?
I made a carbon filter grav bong out of a V8 splash juice bottle, a socket as the bowl melted in the cap, made a carbon filter out of a screen and duct tape that I put at the mouth of V8 bottle....just put the V8 bottle in about a gallon sized container filled with water, light the bowl, and pull up:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
once when we didnt have a lighter we covered one of those electric ball things in aftershave and put water on our hands and touched it so it sparked and lit the aftershave... Happy toking


Well-Known Member
once when we didnt have a lighter we covered one of those electric ball things in aftershave and put water on our hands and touched it so it sparked and lit the aftershave... Happy toking

Lol! Could of easily just gone down to a cooker and lit a candle of that haha


Well-Known Member
Once my buddies and me built a sweet smoking device, lost it though...

We took a plastic bottle and put a bunch of tubing inside in a spiral pattern with a piece coming out of both ends. Then the we filled the bottle with the blue gel you get in ice packs. The other end we hooked up to this electric air pump and had a holder thing to put a joint in. We would put the bottle with the gel in it in the freezer to make the gel ice cold, then hook up a joint to the pump. Then the pump would force the smoke through the piping making it super cool and you had to keep up with the pump. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
once when we didnt have a lighter we covered one of those electric ball things in aftershave and put water on our hands and touched it so it sparked and lit the aftershave... Happy toking
huh? what electric ball things? ive never heard of this b4, please explain in more detail...im curious as hell.


Well-Known Member
made a bong out of a pinneapple. fucking hit awsome and the best part was after we were done blazing we ate the fucker^^


Active Member
I saw this big jar at the thrift store for $1 and I had to have it

Then I went to Ace, found some aluminum pipe and went back to my buddies garage

Drilled through the cork top, slid in the aluminum pipe and then the same thing for the other one

actually works really well

That was the bong I actually used day to day before, now I'm just waiting for my Zong to come in the mail

