whats the best way to germinate seed?


Well-Known Member
alright, heres the introduction to my story...right now im growing 6 healthy outdoor plants about 3 weeks old already. i have never planted in my life before until now, i wouldnt even call it planting since it grew by itself in the pot, outside where sun hits. it germinated for about a day or 2 wasnt really paying attention to it. i have read and read and read (research) through the net how to germinate a seed and people all have different styles and ways to do it, kinda confused since i dont know a single thing in planting. im not confident enough to do it myself by the time i will order my expensive seeds. so im asking my fellow outdoor growers to give me personal experience on how to germinate your seeds the safest and most effective way. thank you


Active Member
the easiest way i have found is using these things that look like dirt clods. They are made by jiffy and you can buy them at home depot, 72 of them for $5. They first appear as a circular disk about the width of a 50 cent piece and the thickness of a chips ahoy cookie. but when you place them in luke warm water they absorb the water and grow about an inch and a half tall. All you do is when the dirt clods expand to their fullest is place the seed in the middle of the dirt and wait. usually takes around 3 days. I have had the best results doing this. Plus thre is no strees to the seedling since all you have to do is put the dirt clod directly in the soil after it sprouts. also, you can get the little greenhouse that is meant specifically for the dirt clods(they will be right next to them on the shelf, i just bought them a few days ago...) however, i personnaly just place two "dirtclods" in a plastic baggie, leave some air in there and close it. it is the same as a greenhouse....keep it in a dark and room temperature area, and re-open the bags once a day for fresh air. and If for some strange reason your home depot around u doesnt have them, just use the paper towel method, im pretty sure you have heard of it, cause if i didn't have the dirt clods, i would deffinetly germinate them in the paper towels.

*extra info-when i purchased my medical marijuana seeds, the directions stated for germinating, was to refrigerate for 1-2 weeks, then soak them in room temp water for one day, then start germinating. (i didn't have the time, so i placed them in the refrigerater for one night, woke up, placed them in warm water all day, then at the end of the day, i placed them in the dirt clods. 7 out of the ten popped up in 3 days, the remaining three popped up on the 4th.....) also i had them in the plastic sandwich bags, in a shoe box....


Well-Known Member
thanks ill look into that...anymore personal breaking experience in germinating your seeds? i know a few people here will runt me posting these tread were i can search millions of treads like these floating on the net...but sometimes when ur too excited in something u get all paranoid and stuff and would want to hear it coming from peoples experience via forums if no one to ask advice via personally. thanks and im growing these plain outdors just under the sun, no chemicals and only using food scraps (blood) from fresh fish and meat.

cheeze me

Well-Known Member
thanks ill look into that...anymore personal breaking experience in germinating your seeds? i know a few people here will runt me posting these tread were i can search millions of treads like these floating on the net...but sometimes when ur too excited in something u get all paranoid and stuff and would want to hear it coming from peoples experience via forums if no one to ask advice via personally. thanks and im growing these plain outdors just under the sun, no chemicals and only using food scraps (blood) from fresh fish and meat.

I have always used the paper towel method to germ, 2 sheets of thick paper tissue (double or tripple up if its thin)

wet them and put seeds inbetween like a sandwhich, keep moist dont let the seeds get dry inbetween the paper towels, if they do keep sprinkling some clean water on them.

Do this on a flat plate, then cover with a bowl to create a dome to replicate humidity.

Place this plate and bowl somewhere warm, if its cold where you are then pop them next to a heater wrapped in a towel so they dont get too hot, just nice and warm, the plate should be mildly warm at touch, not hot.

This method works 100% for me

The next step i do when sowing them is throw em in about a cm or 2 into the soil, a pinch of soil to cover it, then i put a glass over where iv sowed the seed.

This helps create humidity and the perfect conditions for seedlings to grow, I would also keep the pots under direct sunlight to keep them warm, if its cold outside for first few days put them next to a heater, u wanna see condensation on the glass and then the seed will sprout.

Leave the glass over for a day or 2 after is sprouts then your little baby or baies are strong enough to be left out on their own.

This method has worked for me 100% sucess rate so far.

good luck bongsmilie


Active Member
i told had this proably till i figure out a easy fool proof way, go to ya hydro strore buy coco starter plug soak seed in water for 24hr till they sink then place them in starter plug wet it keep a heat mat under the tray in three days there u go


Well-Known Member

I haven't invented anything new but I follow these steps every time I germinate seeds and I've got a near 100% success rate. Hopefully someone will find this useful.

I like it because it's simple (1 step), fast, safe, and I don't have to handle the sprouts. I usually get sprouts popping the surface in 2-3 days, the shortest around 30 hours and the longest 3.5 days.

Plastic cup (16-20oz)
Pro Mix (non fertilized soil less)
Distilled water
Magnifying glass (or good eyes)
Bic pen refill
Glad Press and Seal wrap (crinkled)
Masking Tape
Sharp poking tool (knife, scissors)

1. Mix Pro Mix normally - enough distilled water so the mix holds together when squeezed in one hand but not so much water that it drips.

2. Poke holes in bottom of cup. Fill cups with Pro Mix, put hand over top and shake up and down to get rid of air holes. Pat the top of the pro mix in cup down gently. Fill to 1" below the cup top - room for the sprout to grow if it comes up when you're not around; and to put in more Pro Mix if the stem stretches. Label each cup with masking tape before putting the seed in. I use different colored cups for different strains as well.

3. With the writing tip of the pen poke a hole in the center of the pro mix, about 1/8". Not deep, just a starter hole. The seed will do the rest of the work.

4. Using good eyes or the magnifying glass find the scalloped (opens) and dimpled (hing) sides of the seed. Poke the scalloped end into the pro mix - I find it easiest to put the seed between the thumb and index finger and gently squeeze it in. Don't push far, just until it stays upright.

5. Recheck the seed to be sure the dimple side is up.

6. Using the open tube end of the pen refill push the dimpled end of the seed down until it is 1/16-1/8" below the surface. Using the pen refill skuff up the pro mix until 1/8" is over the seed dimple. Loose and airy is good.

7. Sprinkle 3 tablespoons of distilled water over the top of the pro mix. Do NOT uncover the seed.

8. Rip off a piece of Glad Press and Seal wrap, tear it's length in two so you have a square, and wrap over the top of cup making a complete seal.

9. Place the cup minimum flower distance from your light in your flower room. The heat from the light will act like a steamer with the distilled water and the seed; the (12 on/12 off) cycle of the light will mimic nature; the crinkled Glad wrap will keep the moisture and heat in and diffuse the light.

10. After the first day pull back the Glad Wrap a couple of times a day to look for sprouting.





paper plate, 2 layers of damp paper towels, spread your seeds like an inch apart, 2 more layers of damp paper towels on top,another plate the opposite way so it makes like a flying saucer looking thing, tape is shut,put it in a big ziplog bag, check in 4 days:)


Well-Known Member
last night i was waching tek mikes hardcore growtips(i wish i could find the vid im referencing but here i go...) and what he does is he puts the seeds in a cup of black tea over night. the tea is to get rid of any mold or fungus and also soften the shell so the seed cracks easier. a night in the refrigorator mimicks winter and when the seed is exposed to warmth its ready to crack.

this was a really interesting pre-germ technique id never heard of but it makes excelent sense. if you wanted to try this you could use any form of germination you find sutes you best. i think tek mike said he just puts them in the soil in a warm dark place untill they break the surface


Well-Known Member
i germ in tofu flats with promix. make a little hole about twice as deep as the seed size (just so they aren't sitting right on top of the promix), then i cover them with a layer of vermiculite about an 1/8-1/4". wet them down with tap water and just keep them moist. i use a heat mat, and put them about an inch under some T-8's. i think the biggest thing is not to over water the seeds cause they'll just rot, and under watering seedlings will stunt them. I transplant them out of the tofu flats when they start to stretch a little bit and just use a spoon to gently dig around them and transplant into small nursery containers


Active Member
I've tried a few paper towel methods some with great success but now I just stick it into the dirt and water . Seems to work best for me. I use happy frog soil straight.


Well-Known Member
I've actually just taken seeds and threw them in a bucket that had water in it. Actually forgot about them, found them 2 weeks later and almost all were hatched with long roots all ready!

Flo Grow

Well-Known Member
How about put them under your tongue for two days. LOL
It all works man, damp dark and about 70°
ROFLMFAO........Cruzer101 !!
So true, so true.
Long time no talk my 1st RIU friend !! lol

Paper towels are my fav method, after soaking in a cup of water for 12 - 24 hours.
Once the seeds sink to the bottom of the cup, I take them out and place them in between damp paper towels.
If your paper towles are dripping water, then you still have too much in them.
Keep them somewhere dark, comfortable and just covered with the paper towels.
My room ambient is around 77F.
Mine usually show tap roots within 24 - 36hrs after the initial soaking .
I then plant them into Rapid Rooter plugs and watch the show begin.