whats the best way to germ pepper seeds?


Well-Known Member
does the paper towl way work? or should i just put them in soil? also should i use 5600k cfl's or my 400hps? im having a really hard time getting anything to sprout


Well-Known Member
Damn that would be waaaaay too much light for your seeds. I mean just way more than necessary. When they are germinating they don't need any light, and once they pop out you just need a 25 watt flourescent. Its much cheaper and the more powerful lights you got could over heat the little thing. I don't do the soil method because i'm a hydro grower.

I moisten a CLEAN cotten towel, spread the seeds evenly over one half, fold the other half over and slide it into a ziplock bag not completely sealed. Then you put it somewhere dark and warm. I also sometimes will gently scrape the seeds along a sheet on a matchbox used to light the matches (sorry don't know what its called). This helps the water seep through the hard exterior wall.

Another popular method is exactly what i just explained but first dropping the seeds into a cup of water for 12-24 hours, or until they sink or crack. Some get seeds to pop in 24-48 hours doing that. I personally haven't had much luck except once doing that. Some seeds didn't pop for like 8 days and did that and boom, they popped.


Well-Known Member
I place the seeds on a paper towel while I boil some water, once the water is cool i moisten the paper towel with the seeds on it and fold it over. i then place it in a sandwich bag and put it in a dvd case (its the easiest way to make it dark for them) I then place it in a kinda warm spot (on top of the fridge works) come back 1-3 days later and TADA! The ones that have sprouted i put 1/4 under the soil in jiffy pellets in a little humidity dome. it's like 6 bucks at wal mart and it comes with like 60 pellets. i use a heat mat under the dome as well but that's because i usually put clones in there too. The end.


Active Member
Awesome, this keeps me from making a redundant thread, as I was about to wonder how to germ bell pepper seeds, am I being foolish if I assume the same concepts will hold true for squash? Also, Multisonic (or anyone else who would be able to confirm) do you boil the water to remove any potential contaminates from the water, and if so does that keep the seeds from molding (at least, for the most part)?


Well-Known Member
Thats exactly why you boil the water. some people add a bit of food grade or horticultural (35%) hydrogen peroxide. I don't think household/regular (3%)H2o2 would do any harm and might keep harmful things from forming as well.


Well-Known Member
I think the 35% H202 would be too much, unless you super diluted it. But the amount of water you need to deal with is so small that it wouldn't be worth it. Just go buy some RO (reverse osmosis water) and use that.


Well-Known Member
wow i finaly got some plants coming up. i used tapwater that i didnt let set out but i made sure it was room temp. old fashioned seeds in dirt worked the best.


Well-Known Member
does the paper towl way work? or should i just put them in soil? also should i use 5600k cfl's or my 400hps? im having a really hard time getting anything to sprout
I grow hybrid chilies and scotch bonnets.... I use the same paper towel way, but pepper seeds can take up to three weeks.. then I grow in pudding cups in window for a week or so... they don't like close CFL's it seems.. I never did try HPS..I grow mine outside after they've started... even on the seed packs it said to start inside... Luck..


Well-Known Member
I grow Chillis every year and I find it easiest to just bury 2 seeds about 1/4" deep in in a small pot of seed starter mix. Moisten well with a mister and cover the pots with plastic wrap.

Keep the pots somewhere warm (in the 75-85 range) and wait about a week. Then take the plastic off even if there are no sprouts. This is so the root can breath and the soil won't get nasty.

In about anouther week or two you will see sprouts and THEN give them light. Once one of the two sprouts in each pot establishes it self as the strongest one, thin out (snip off head rather than pull!) out the weaker one. Leaving only one plant per pot.

I grow about 40 Chilli plants along my gardens boarder avery year and this method really works. I don't even like the chillis much but their dark green leaves with stricking red peppers is beautiful, and their neat little bushy shape makes them perfect for boardering IMO.

Good luck.


Well-Known Member
i wish i remembered which section is which. i planted probly 250 seeds of pot, thai yellow egg, yellow strawberries, striped tomatoes and red habaneros. they are all under cfl's now


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a very full pot unless you thinded alot. Whats thai yellow egg?
i have 2 starter trays. one can hold like 288 seedlings and the other can hold 75. and i have no idea what thai yellow egg is but the company sent it with the strawberries and peppers. i think its whats sprouting now.