What's the best way to germ an auto??

Lol good call. So I've noticed 2 seed cracked and I can see the tap root so I'm gonna pop them in to some dirt tonite . I've also since put 2 more black jack autos in paper towel with water mixed with b52 1 of witch has popped. Also put 2 black jack autos, 2 sour diesel, 1 blackberry Kush auto and 1 earthquake bag seed into peat moss pucks 2 days ago.
Sweet. All my kit's been a bit of a bargain (despite what the girlfriend thinks). Only running 400w in my little ass tent right now, bigger tent arriving tonight so I'll be investing in more watts soon. Thanks!
That 400 will do fine. Those plants I posted are under w 432 watt t5.

The pots are 15 inches wide and hold 5 gallons of soil. The plants are 30 inches tall or more and a couple foot wide.

I'm having a hard time germing these buggers all my other bag seeds germd no problem in a cup of water .I can't pop these autos for the life of me. I'm trying a new peat moss dome with 2 black jack autos, 1 blackberry Kush auto , 2 sour diesel, and 1 earthquake bagseed.View attachment 3673969
I stick my seeds straight in 5-7 gallon pots for autos. Photos sometimes to.

Ditch that dome. You don't need to cover seedlings.

I don't use extra steps. For a couple reasons. One is that the tap root on an auto decides how big it will get.

Two, is that a tap root developes tiny hair like roots. The extra steps and handling can damage them. It increases the chance for pathogens or bacteria to enter. The bacteria that cause damping off love the same environment that sprouting seeds do.

Not to say that other ways are wrong. It is a seed that has been sprouting in soil for millennia.

Try sprouting in solo cups. When they sprout and get a couple inches tall just cut the bottom off the cup and put it in your final pot.
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I just messed up a couple tap roots and the plants have suffered tremendously. I planted to final post but for some reason 2 seeds didn't pop. So I dropped in some more and surer than shit the originals come out. When I moved them to new pots I didn't anticipate the length of the tap root. I have had great success going from the package to the pots.
Soak mine in water for 12 hours , then paper towel and ziplock bag on top of the grow light ... Have done 2 runs of 10 autos and had 100%


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Soak mine in water for 12 hours , then paper towel and ziplock bag on top of the grow light ... Have done 2 runs of 10 autos and had 100%
I feel like final pot is best. This way you never disturbs the root. Even the fine microscopic ones. Next run in doing it this way and never transplanting again. Cost me way to much to mess up
So ur sayin that using the paper towel method causes mess up , I've been doin it for long time this way , I would disagree , I mean I guess if u was careless and what not but I wait till the tap root is decently long and just pop her right in there leaving the head of the seed barley showing and I get good results 100% actually , have had the shell stick on causing issues but that is simple just mist with water , idk guess there is a million ways to skin a cat ... When I soak them in water to time I put in soil is usually less then 48 hours on most .. What kinda problems are you runnin into ,. I could see if someone let the tap root go to long in the paper and it grew into it and u had to put out but I've not had that issue and I use tweezers to place in soil so I only touch the shell ..
I feel like final pot is best. This way you never disturbs the root. Even the fine microscopic ones. Next run in doing it this way and never transplanting again. Cost me way to much to mess up
I did some autos like this WERRE the solo cup soil was light warrior and the outside and bottom of pot was my mix . Idk if u had or need to cut the solo away for any reason but I did and it was a bitch as I didn't
Put the solo in upside down so when I took it out it basically pulled that wad with it so fuck on my part I'll just do it the same way with no cup just use a cups worth of light warrior in middle and be done . Luckily I didn't cut any roots or anythign when I took the solos out , some say u can leave em
Some say to take out my pots r 9x9 12 inch deep squares and I felt the solo set half way down so I should take it out mayb not the case in a big deep huge pot ... I only run 2.5 gal containers thou many r runnin 5 to 7 and some say way to
Much for the time of growth , this is still up in air with me so I may be changing
I'm not saying it's wrong but it's definitely affecting the plants even if it's just a little. There are microscopic hairs all over the taproots. In the past I have damaged the main root and the plants were shit. So that's why I think any method other than putting them into soil is partly hurting them. I have done it all ways and still have 100% germination success. One run I left them in 4" jiffy pots for 10 days from seed and they were stunted for over a week. Another where I damaged the root they weren't worth continuing with. But I'm also talking about autos too not photos
I'm going to try something different next round. Take a solo cup and cut the sides then cut the bottom right out. Maybe even drill some holes in it. Then put it inside another cup to hold the first cups shape. Once they are 4-5 days from seed put the cups inside the center of the pot and slide the 2 halves of solo cup out. But in 4/5 days the taproot will already be at the bottom of the cup
Wow I mean I get normal to good growth I try and update me auto pics every few days to week to show and see if there normal which every set up is diffrent but my autos have stays right up with most autos some bigger some same but higher lights or more light ya know ,; so when u do ur seeds u just put straight in moist soil and let em go , , I was havin issues with the tap curling around or even around the seed but I keep secret pressure around the seed seems to keep em pushin out straight Would like to further more ur method thou my buddy soaks his in water for 24 hours then brings em up and in another 6 to 12 there out of there shell and in dirt , small tap thought short I mean I try to let my tape get half in ish before puttin in soil , do u soak ur seeds in water then plant or what's it's interesting I probly wount change but I'd like to know the process more ...
Another question I always ask people is when do u count days , from the time the first smooth leaves r established or when tap shows ... Most times it's only 4 days ish but always curious hour Everton is country from seed or from first set of leaves ,
See that what I did but I started with solo cups inside my containers with light warrior in soil with my good diet around , my only problem was i used one solo right side up - wast even thinkin so no laughin , solo is 6 to 7 inchs my pot is only 11 to 12 deep so I was red to remove , awful I needed up gettin a big razor knife slight down the sides and barley got em out from fucmin the soil and roots did have one go bad I actually pulled some small finger roots up that stuck the cup but that plant is the biggest I got so idk , ... I've heard were people scratch the seeds and plant no problem , I think a lot of the issues with people of ur method and mine and the paper plate on fridge that Dnt use one cause other is they just had one bad experice and one way is easier , I hope to hear ur methods and time frames of how long roots start and they get a set from straight soil plant , .
As long as it comes out of the pot smiling and u can smoke it in 60 days then the methods fine. This is almost like micro details. I just assume going right to dirt is less work and there is absolutely no reason to mess anything up. I guess think of everything that could go wrong with every method and figure what's the least dangerous. I think soil only has the least amount, not to mention the simplest.

Solo cup failure list-
Could root bound plant if left to long.
Could disturb a tap root at the bottom of the cup.
Could put the cup upside down :bigjoint:

Just fuckin witchu shady
Yea the upside down part lol I dropped the ball usually I'm on top of stuff but I def wasn't thinkin , I only used the solo cup in the center so When I watered it went straight down to the bottom since the roots shouldn't go wider then a solo for the short time i planned it being in there , this second run I got 21 days behind the first there is no solo involved , germ, plant . Let it grow . Fuck disturbing that soil ,, I got lucky I think .. But I agree less is more and easier is sometimes better I just still with paper towel as then dirt ,